[Abstract]:With the change of social and economic culture in China, the family intergenerational relationship is changing as an important evaluation index of the quality of life in the old age. At the same time, influenced by the traditional family filial piety culture, the model of family intergenerational relations in our country may be different from the intergenerational relationship model under the background of Western family culture. The six dimensions of the intergenerational unity theory, using the 2012 survey data and the exploratory latent variable model of the Chinese elderly social tracking survey, analyze the types of intergenerational relations between the adult children and the elderly parents. By comparing the fitting indexes of several large categories of models, this study finds the types of intergenerational relations between the adult and the elderly parents. There are three types of intergenerational and distant relations. Among them, the intergenerational relationship near 1/3 is close, and more than half of the samples belong to the following type, and the 1/10 is a distant type. Compared with the pattern of intergenerational relations, the emergence of an intergenerational type shows that the pattern of intergenerational relations in our country is changing, and the intergenerational relationship between adult children and old parents has a diversified trend. Adult children should follow the traditional culture of the elderly, and keep their privacy, independence and personality, and therefore are old. The relevant departments should formulate public policies to promote tightness and reduce alienation according to the model of intergenerational relations of the family, and take measures to make up for the shortage of family care under the mode of interdependence.
【作者单位】: 北京大学人口研究所;中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心;
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