[Abstract]:It is innovative and special to study the construction of western circular economic zone from the angle of sociology. The theories of sociological functionalism, stratification theory, elite theory, social equity and justice provide theoretical support for the construction of the western circular economic zone. Previous studies have mostly focused on circular economy from the perspectives of economics, ecology and politics. This paper clarifies the theoretical and empirical studies of circular economy, and develops new ideas and new perspectives. Taking Gansu circular economic zone and Qinghai Qaidam circular economic zone as examples, this paper discusses the construction and development of the two economic zones from the point of view of sociology and environmental sociology, the problems that may be encountered, and various complicated relations in the construction of circular economic zone. The purpose is: from the ecological environment level, from the sociological unique angle of view to look at the problem, analyze the problem, at the same time also give the construction and development of the two circular economic zones with beneficial suggestions and enlightenment. Then some suggestions and measures will be extended to the construction of other circular economic zones. The research methods used in this paper are literature research and secondary research. The results show that circular economy is the inevitable choice of modern economic model, and the particularity of western region determines the urgency of constructing circular economic zone. People in the western region must enjoy the fruits of economic and environmental development. From the new urbanization in the western region to the construction of the people's livelihood, from the urbanization to the construction of the urban agglomeration, from the new-type industrialization to the construction of the ecological civilization demonstration area, the construction of the circular society can not be separated from the active participation and joint efforts of the government, enterprises and the public. Governments, enterprises and the public should fulfill their respective social responsibilities and work together to build a large circular society. This study uses the theories of sociology and environmental sociology to analyze and integrate the literature, expounds the research situation of the theory and experience of circular economy, and puts forward some important problems in the construction of circular economic zone. And the emphasis of this elaboration. To construct the theoretical analysis framework of circular economy research, the main line through which is ecological environment problem. As the direction of economic development in the future, circular economy is of great significance in transforming the economic structure of Gansu circular economic zone and Qaidam circular economic zone in the west of China and changing the mode of economic development.
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