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发布时间:2018-08-05 13:37
[Abstract]:At present, China is in an important period of social transformation and industrial transformation. Migrant workers have become the main force to promote the urbanization process and industrial development. In the face of the phenomenon of citizenship, the new generation of migrant workers and the previous generation of migrant workers have obvious intergenerational differences. The new generation of migrant workers have obvious heterogeneity with the previous generation of migrant workers in terms of their cultural level, their own will and their ability to integrate into the future, and their expectations for the future. With the growth of the new generation of migrant workers, it has become the most representative and the most powerful group. However, due to the dual structure of urban and rural areas and the factors of household registration system formed under the planned economy system in our country, it still has a significant impact on the current situation, which makes the new generation of migrant workers in the process of entering the city to work and integrating into the city to become a citizen. There are still many obstacles, so the new generation of migrant workers become a hot issue in sociology. This study is based on the previous study of the new generation of migrant workers, the perspective of social exclusion theory, the use of case studies and participation in the observation of the combination of the method. This paper discusses and analyzes the social exclusion of the new generation of migrant workers in the process of citizenship. First of all, the status quo of the new generation of migrant workers is combed and described, such as the basic situation of this group, local background and urban adaptation, lifestyle and social identity analysis; It is considered that the new generation of migrant workers have generally received higher education than the previous generation of migrant workers. They are no longer deep in the traditional farming civilization and the plot of the land, and have a strong interest in urban life. The life style is closer to the urban youth group of the same age, but the new generation of migrant workers have some differences on identity. Secondly, this study analyzes the exclusion of the new generation of migrant workers in the process of working and living in the city and changing their identity into citizens, and thinks that the new generation of migrant workers will face the exclusion of their own quality in the process of the urbanization. Economic exclusion, social organization exclusion, sociocultural exclusion and policy system exclusion. It is considered that the exclusion factors caused by the lack of their own quality are the most common and obvious in the process of the new generation of migrant workers, and the policy system is improved because of the continuous development in recent years. For the new generation of migrant workers citizenship caused by the least degree of exclusion. Finally, based on the sociological perspective, this study discusses the solution to the exclusion of the new generation of migrant workers, and discusses the personal development and group development of the new generation of migrant workers. This study holds that the exclusion of the new generation of migrant workers in the process of citizenship should be solved from the micro, meso and macro aspects, which are to raise the cultural quality and cultivate the social environment, respectively, in order to solve the problem of exclusion in the process of the urbanization of the new generation of migrant workers. Improve the policy to ensure the implementation of three levels of dredging construction, in order to reduce the resistance of exclusion in the process of the new generation of migrant workers in the process of citizenship, and smoothly complete the transformation from migrant workers to citizens.


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