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发布时间:2018-08-17 08:59
【摘要】:于二十世纪八十年代,在政府的倡导下中国开始推进社区建设。随着社区建设的蓬勃兴起,人们不再满足于吃饱穿暖,对精神生活的要求越来越高。但是,现在新建小区里亲密的邻里关系被防盗门隔开了,社区居民逐渐形成“原子化”状态,邻里间的信任度下降,对社区事务不太关心,没有什么归属感,直接影响了社区的安定团结与和谐。导致这种现象的主要原因之一是社区社会资本的缺失。作为社区管理的主体之一,政府具有社会管理和公共服务的职能,它有必要加强和培育社区社会资本。 本文在总结国内外社区社会资本建设理论的基础上,分别从社区信任、社区网络、社区规范的角度分析了我国现有社区社会资本状况及其影响因素。重点研究了政府在社区社会资本培育中的角色定位问题,提出政府在社区社会资本培育中应该扮演规划者、引导者、支持者的角色。文章提出了政府在社区社会资本培育中的路径选择:改革社区投入保障机制、加强社区制度有效供给、构建社区良性互动网络、培育社区居民公民意识。文章最后通过发放问卷、深入访谈的形式对淮安市社区社会资本状况及政府在其发展中的相关政策进行了案例分析。
[Abstract]:In the 1980 s, at the initiative of the government, China began to promote community construction. With the vigorous development of community construction, people are no longer satisfied with food and clothing, and higher demands on spiritual life. However, now the close neighborhood relations in the newly built community are separated by security guards, the residents of the community are gradually becoming "atomized", the trust between the neighborhoods is declining, they are not very concerned about community affairs, and there is no sense of belonging. It directly affects the stability, unity and harmony of the community. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is the lack of community social capital. As one of the main body of community management, the government has the function of social management and public service, it is necessary to strengthen and cultivate the community social capital. On the basis of summing up the theories of community social capital construction at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the current situation of community social capital and its influencing factors from the perspectives of community trust, community network and community norms. This paper focuses on the role of government in community social capital cultivation, and points out that the government should play the role of planners, guides and supporters in community social capital cultivation. The article puts forward the path choice of the government in the community social capital cultivation: reforming the community investment guarantee mechanism, strengthening the effective supply of the community system, constructing the community benign interactive network, and cultivating the citizen consciousness of the community residents. In the end, the paper analyzes the social capital status of the community and the government policies in the development of Huai'an City by issuing questionnaires and in-depth interviews.


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