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发布时间:2018-08-18 15:54
【摘要】:工作是人们生活的核心,工作状况对人们的自我观念、价值观、对社会的认知以及思维能力等都有重要的影响。在学术上,学者们从心理学,管理学,社会学等多方面开展了关于工作或职业的研究,如职业成功,工作绩效,职业倦怠,离职倾向等等。工作与个人,工作与组织总是有着分不开的关系,因此,关于工作或职业的研究一直是学术界和实践界关注的热点。 组织内职业成长是指员工在目前组织内部的职业进展速度,包括职业能力发展速度、职业目标进展速度、晋升速度与报酬增长速度四个维度(翁清雄,席酉民,2011)。职业成长相比职业成功,职业发展等,更微观,更能衡量个人的职业进展状况。职业成长理论近年来取得了一定的研究成果。 工作倦怠主要是由于工作等方面的压力而产生的倦怠感。处在经济转型期的中国,工作和生活压力不断增加,企业组织为了适应动态的环境,需要不断调整组织结构,对员工也提出了更高的要求,员工需要承担更多的责任和压力,很容易产生工作倦怠感。工作倦怠对员工的身心健康、工作绩效、工作生活平衡等等都会产生影响。 职业承诺主要表现为一种对自己所从事的职业的认同和情感。关于职业承诺的研究已取得了丰富的研究成果。随着无边界职业生涯的到来,组织结构日益扁平化,加之组织外部环境的变化,组织内部需要不断变革,以适应外部环境。员工不仅要提高在组织内部的竞争力,更要提高在组织外部的可雇佣性。知识员工与组织的心理契约也发生了变化,知识员工对组织的忠诚不断转向对自己职业的忠诚和承诺,因此职业承诺也成为人力资源管理中和学术研究中的热点。 职业成长,职业承诺和工作倦怠是人力资源管理中常常面临的重要问题,也是学术界研究的热点,与员工的自身利益密切相关。随着经济社会的发展,知识型员工在企业中的数量和地位不断提高。相比其他员工,知识型员工更关注自己的职业进展状况,更重视工作的意义和价值以及工作生活质量等等。因此对三者之间的关系的探讨,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 本研究在工作倦怠相关理论基础上,基于员工最关心的工作视角,通过文献研究和问卷调查研究,在对205位企业知识员工的实证研究后,探讨了职业成长、职业承诺和工作倦怠的关系研究,分析了职业成长和职业承诺对工作倦怠的作用机理,并探讨了职业承诺在职业成长与工作倦怠关系中的调节作用。本文主要得出以下结论: 1、职业成长总体对工作倦怠有显著影响(Beta=-0.319,P=0.000),说明职业成长可以作为工作倦怠的预测变量,证实了工作因素是影响工作倦怠的观点; 2、职业成长的三个维度对工作倦怠的情绪衰竭维度均不存在显著影响,职业成长的三个维度对工作倦怠的消极怠慢和个人成就感低存在显著影响; 3、职业成长对职业承诺存在显著影响,证实了职业成长与职业承诺存在正相关的观点; 4、职业承诺对工作倦怠的检验结果表明,职业承诺对工作倦怠存在显著影响(Beta=-0.498,P=0.000),职业承诺越高的员工,工作倦怠感越低; 5、职业承诺在职业成长与工作倦怠关系中起调节作用,(Beta:-0.635,P=0.00),即随着职业承诺的提升,职业成长对工作倦怠的影响逐渐增强;职业承诺对职业成长的三个维度和消极怠慢存在调节作用,即随着职业承诺的提升,职业成长的三个维度分别对消极怠慢的影响逐渐增强;职业承诺对职业成长的三个维度和个人成就感低存在调节作用,即随着职业承诺的提升,职业成长的三个维度分别对个人成就感低的影响逐渐增强。 通过本研究,丰富了职业成长和职业承诺的结果变量研究,工作倦怠的前因变量研究,对职业成长和工作倦怠的价值和规律有了进一步的认识。对做好工作倦怠的干预提供了新的视角,并为企业提升人力资源管理水平提出了相应的管理建议:1、知识员工职业成长方面,组织要重视知识员工的职业成长问题,通过有效的工作分析和工作设计、知识管理和团队建设等促进员工的职业成长;2、在关注员工组织承诺的同时更要注意提高职业承诺;3、通过有效的措施进行工作倦怠的干预,包括员工个人提高心理资本,积极应对压力,组织应构建和谐的工作环境,注重情绪管理,同时针对知识员工要注意工作意义的激励。 本文的研究创新主要有:(1)、首次探讨了职业成长、职业承诺和工作倦怠三者之间的关系;(2)、从员工最关心、最直接的工作角度出发,分析工作倦怠的影响因素,证实了工作因素与工作倦怠相关性的观点,对工作倦怠的干预研究提供了新的视角。本文研究不足主要包括:(1)、样本数据的不足。虽然本研究的研究对象是知识员工,但由于没有针对特定行业,可能会导致本研究的数据代表性不够高;(2)、研究方法的不足,本研究采用问卷调查法,都是自陈式量表,虽然都是成熟量表,但数据可能存在同源方法偏差。 全文共分五章,主要内容安排如下: 一、绪论。主要包括研究背景、研究主要内容、研究意义和目的。对本文所要研究的主要问题做一个总体的概况。 二、文献综述。通过对职业成长、工作倦怠和职业承诺的相关研究的综述,为本文的研究假设提供一定的理论基础。 三、研究设计。在已有文献综述的基础上提出本文的研究问题和研究假设。并对本文将采用的研究方法和研究工具进行解释和说明。 四、实证研究结果和分析。在对问卷信度和效度分析的基础上,通过独立样本T检验、方差分析、相关分析、回归分析等统计技术,进一步探讨变量特征、人口统计学变量对研究变量的影响以及变量之间的相互关系和作用。 五、研究结果讨论与展望。在实证分析的基础上,对本文的研究结论进行总结和讨论。并提出了研究展望、研究创新及不足以及在人力资源管理实践上的建议。
[Abstract]:Work is the core of people's life. Work conditions have an important impact on people's self-concept, values, social cognition and thinking ability. Academically, scholars have carried out research on work or occupation from psychology, management, sociology and many other aspects, such as career success, job performance, job burnout, turnover intention. Work and individual, work and organization are always inseparable, so the study of work or occupation has always been a hot topic in academic and practical circles.
Intra-organizational career growth refers to the speed of employees'career development within the current organization, including the speed of professional ability development, the speed of career goals, the speed of promotion and the speed of pay growth (Weng Qingxiong, Xi Youmin, 2011). Compared with career success, career development, career growth is more microscopic and can better measure individual career progress. The theory of career growth has made some achievements in recent years.
Job burnout is mainly due to the pressure of work and other aspects of the burnout. In China in the economic transition period, the pressure of work and life is increasing. In order to adapt to the dynamic environment, enterprise organizations need to constantly adjust the organizational structure, and put forward higher requirements for employees. Employees need to assume more responsibility and pressure, which is easy. Job burnout produces a sense of burnout. Job burnout has an impact on employees'physical and mental health, job performance, work-life balance and so on.
With the advent of borderless career, the organizational structure is becoming more and more flat. In addition to the changes of the external environment, the internal needs of the organization are constantly changing to adapt to the external environment. The psychological contract between the knowledge worker and the organization has changed, and the loyalty of the knowledge worker to the organization has turned to the loyalty and commitment to his own profession. Therefore, career commitment has become a hot spot in human resource management and academic research.
Career growth, career commitment and job burnout are important issues in human resource management, and are also hot topics in academic research. They are closely related to the interests of employees. Career progress, pay more attention to the meaning and value of work and the quality of work and life, etc. Therefore, the relationship between the three has important theoretical and practical significance.
Based on the theory of job burnout and the most concerned job perspective of employees, this study explores the relationship among job growth, job commitment and job burnout in 205 knowledge workers through literature research and questionnaire survey, and analyzes the effects of job growth and job commitment on job burnout. The paper also discusses the moderating effect of occupational commitment on the relationship between job growth and job burnout.
1. The overall effect of career growth on job burnout was significant (Beta = - 0.319, P = 0.000), indicating that career growth can be used as a predictor of job burnout, confirming the view that job factors affect job burnout.
2. The three dimensions of career growth have no significant effect on the emotional exhaustion dimension of job burnout. The three dimensions of career growth have significant influence on the negative burnout and low personal accomplishment.
3. Career growth has a significant impact on career commitment, which confirms the positive correlation between career growth and career commitment.
4. The results of job commitment on job burnout showed that job commitment had a significant effect on job burnout (Beta = - 0.498, P = 0.000). The higher the job commitment, the lower the job burnout.
5. Career commitment plays a moderating role in the relationship between career growth and job burnout (Beta:-0.635, P = 0.00), that is, with the promotion of career commitment, the impact of career growth on job burnout is gradually strengthened; career commitment has a moderating effect on the three dimensions of career growth and negative burnout, that is, with the promotion of career commitment, the three dimensions of career growth are moderated. The three dimensions of career commitment have moderating effects on three dimensions of career growth and low personal accomplishment, that is, with the promotion of career commitment, the impact of three dimensions of career growth on low personal accomplishment is gradually strengthened.
Through this study, we enrich the research on the outcome variables of career growth and career commitment, the research on the antecedents of job burnout, and have a further understanding of the value and law of job growth and job burnout. Suggestions: 1. Knowledge workers'career growth, the organization should pay attention to the knowledge workers' career growth, through effective job analysis and job design, knowledge management and team building to promote the career growth of employees; 2, pay attention to the employees'organizational commitment at the same time pay more attention to improve career commitment; 3, through effective measures to work; Intervention of job burnout includes improving individual psychological capital and actively coping with pressure. Organizations should build a harmonious working environment, pay attention to emotional management, and pay attention to motivation of work significance for knowledge workers.
The main innovations of this study are as follows: (1) The relationship among career growth, career commitment and job burnout is discussed for the first time; (2) From the most concerned and direct working point of view of employees, the influencing factors of job burnout are analyzed, which confirms the view of the correlation between job factors and job burnout, and provides a basis for the intervention study of job burnout. New perspectives. The main shortcomings of this study include: (1) insufficient sample data. Although the research object is knowledge workers, but because there is no specific industry, it may lead to the lack of data representativeness of this study; (2) lack of research methods, this study uses questionnaire survey methods, are self-reported scale, although they are all. Maturity scale, but data may be biased by homologous methods.
The full text is divided into five chapters. The main contents are as follows:
First, the introduction. It mainly includes the research background, the main content, the significance and the purpose of the study.
Second, literature review. Through the review of the relevant research on career growth, job burnout and career commitment, this paper provides a theoretical basis for the research hypothesis.
Third, research design. On the basis of existing literature review, this paper puts forward the research questions and hypotheses, and explains the research methods and tools that will be used in this paper.
Fourthly, based on the reliability and validity analysis of the questionnaire, this paper further explores the characteristics of variables, the impact of demographic variables on research variables, and the relationship and interaction among variables through independent sample T test, variance analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other statistical techniques.
Fifthly, the research results are discussed and prospected. On the basis of empirical analysis, the research conclusions are summarized and discussed. Finally, the research prospects, research innovation and shortcomings and suggestions on human resource management practice are put forward.


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