[Abstract]:Taking the village of Xicun in Dongping town of Zhejiang province as an example, this paper probes into the stratum dynamics of production and release of "qi", and further reveals the relationship between peasants' life and politics under the background of stratification. The economic, social and political stratification of rural areas is highly consistent, and the upper elite alliance forms the overall domination of the lower class. The ordinary peasants suffered from the general oppression of the stratum because of their life, and formed the "qi" of "enmity against the officials" and "hatred of the rich", and released the "qi" through the hidden resistance of the majority and the open resistance of the marginal people. This highlights the "life politics" under the stratification-the upper elite infiltrates politics into daily life in order to realize its political will, and the bottom group transforms daily life into political expression. The village fell into the opposition of "pan-politicization".
【作者单位】: 北京工业大学人文社会科学学院/首都社会建设与社会管理协同创新中心;
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