发布时间:2018-09-16 19:37
【摘要】:“这是好得不能再好的时代,这是坏得不能再坏的年代”,虽然我们与狄更斯生活的时代相距甚远,但借用这句话同样可以生动地来描述展现在我们面前的现代化画面的矛盾性与纠结性,一方面改革开放、市场经济创造了前所未有的财富,人们在物质欲望上得到了前所未有的满足,另一方面,工业化、城市化、现代化、社会转型、社会变迁凸显出来的社会问题越来越损害这个社会的公平、正义,侵蚀人们的生活幸福感。解决社会问题,满足社会需要,追求社会正义,促进社会进步,中国社会工作肩负着这一使命。在中国政府的主动推动下,中国社会工作以不同于西方国家的由民间发展起步的方式得以快速发展,成为中国解决社会问题、实现政府职能转变、满足人们日益增长的文化生活需要的方式。从社会正义的角度来研究中国社会工作的发展不仅能深化社会工作及其伦理学的理论知识,在实践上也有助于社会工作的健康发展、社会的和谐建构。 社会工作源起于西方,是解决工业化、城市化、市场化带来的社会问题的一种方式,至今已有一百多年的历史。纵观社会工作一百多年的历史发展,它始终将社会正义作为自己的基本使命和价值目标,但在不同的历史发展阶段中,由于历史文化背景与社会工作的具体目标、任务不同,对社会工作正义的理解以及社会工作的正义追求对社会工作实务实践的影响也有不同。社会工作正义是个抽象而复杂的概念,具有多元性和综合性,为了将之变为理论上可具体化的概念,实践上可操作化的实践行为,我们依据社会工作的主体以及正义的不同价值取向将社会工作正义进行了分解。社会工作主体是一个相互联系、互动的系统,主要由政府、社会工作机构、社会工作者构成,正义的内涵中蕴含有责任、公正、公平、关怀等等的不同的价值取向,由于社会工作主体在社会工作发展过程中各自需要努力的方向不同,各自承担的任务、职责不同,因此它们也具有侧重点与向度不同的正义追求。政府的公正维度,社会工作机构的责任维度,社会工作者的关怀维度,他们共同构成了社会工作的正义体系,又共同构成了社会工作实践协调一致的行动体系,它们是社会工作能够安全运行、健康发展、和谐进步的重要保证。社会工作正义的三个维度在实践中共同作用从两个方面来实现社会工作正义,一是社会资源的合理分配,通过自由的物品再分配来达到社会平等,体现为分配正义,二是对受助群体的承认,承认受助群体个体的尊严,给予个体参与社会合作的机会,贡献自己的力量,融入社会来达到社会正义的目标。即就是,社会工作正义既体现为政府和社会为弱势人群提供资源和服务以促进社会稳定的一种价值取向,又体现为公民社会对自由、平等价值的追求,将社会福利传递给弱势群体的服务体系,更表现为社会工作专业人员和工作对象之间的一种投入理解的互动影响,目的是达到对服务对象的问题的深入理解并陪伴服务对象走出困境。 社会工作的主体之一是政府。中国社会工作的产生与发展是中国政府体制改革和社会福利制度改革的一部分,具有鲜明的政府倡导、推动乃至建构的特色。公正成为政府在社会工作发展中的正义诉求,体现着政府为维护社会正义所作出的努力和承担的责任。自由、平等、秩序的基本理念,构成了政府治理与社会工作正义紧密相联的纽带。社会工作的发展是政府的以人为本的治理理念的制度化、行动化的具体体现,体现了政府尊重与实现公民权利,在经济建设取得一定成效后对社会管理理念、方式、方法的改变,以及对人们的社会福利的增进。新时期,和谐是中国政府追求的社会价值目标,而社会工作的目标在于希望通过专业化的服务来满足人们需求,增强人们能力,协调社会关系,关注弱势群体利益,解决社会问题,共享社会发展成果,实现人与环境、人与人、人与社会的和谐,所以,和谐体现了社会工作价值追求与中国政府的治理目标的内在的契合。政府要实现社会工作的公正维度需要:(1)政府创新其社会管理体制和公共服务模式,转变政府行政观念,规范政府行为规则;(2)完善公正的社会保障制度,既要进一步完善我国的社会保障制度以为社会工作的发展提供宏观的制度保障,又要明确社会保障的价值基础和价值理念是建立在公平的基础上,而不能因为经济建设的优先性而导致“效率优先,兼顾公平”的公平被兼顾的命运;(3)建构社会工作制度体系,在中国社会工作发展的进程中,制度的建立明显落后于实践的开展,所以,只有建立完善的社会工作制度体系才能保障社会工作发展的资源优势、权威性和可持续性;(4)培育民间社会工作机构,首先要为民间机构的发展创造良好的法律制度环境,其次完善民间社会工作机构的登记管理制度,再次要加强民间社会工作机构的监督管理,最后促进民间社会工作机构自身的能力发展。 专业社会工作机构也是社会工作的重要主体。社会工作机构是提供专业社会服务的职业组织,也是为多数的社会工作者提供就业岗位、工作机会、成长空间的从业机构,它是中国社会工作职业化的一个表现。中国社会工作机构的出现与公民社会的成长环境有密切关系。公民社会的平等、自由、民主、参与、人本、自我发展等价值观,公民社会里出现的具有独立自主性又有着共同利益追求的民间组织,以及公民社会能确保每个人的普遍权利和平等义务的完善的法律制度体系都为专业社会工作机构的发展准备了价值前提,组织前提和制度前提。根据社会工作的使命与任务,社会工作机构对正义的追求最重要体现为对公共责任的承担。社会工作机构需要承担一定的公共责任,这首先源于社会工作机构的公益性质,其次是源于其伦理使命,社会工作机构公共责任的缺失将会带来极其严重的后果。社会工作机构的公共责任包括:协助政府提供最优化的公共社会服务;为社会提供多样化的社会服务,满足各类群体的社会需求;还承担着社会工作人才专业化、职业化的责任。社会工作机构公共责任的实现是一个不断追求和实现公益宗旨的过程。社会工作机构公共责任的实现是一个系统工程,不仅涉及国家相关法律法规的完善,还有相关社会监督机制的规范;不仅是一个以制度为保障的内外部监督完成的他律过程,更是一个由他律走向由伦理精神驱动的自律过程,我们需要建构包括政府、社会、社会工作机构自身在内的多元共治的责任体系。 社会工作者是社会工作实践的基本单元,社会工作者的正义诉求是关怀,这也是时刻让人感受到人性温暖的一个词汇。社会工作者具有道德特征,因为社会工作者在社会工作实践中不是价值中立的,而是一个强烈价值介入载体,他们虽然掌握专业的社会工作方法与技巧,然而也是极具人文情愫、饱含道德情感的道德实践者,“服务对象最大的福祉”是社会工作者追求的服务效果。关怀是一种德性正义,因为关怀者抛弃抽象的和普遍的伦理原则,强调体验和关心受助者的欲望、需要和情感,以仁慈与同情示人,强调关注关怀者和被关怀者的双向互动与理解以及内心的健康、人生的成长历程,强调能力、品质、德性对于运用规则、落实政策、帮助别人、实现正义的至关重要性。然而,由于专业技术理性和市场经济理性的诱使,社会工作变为社会工程学、社会医学模式或管理模式,社会工作者容易丢弃追寻人文关怀、社会正义的本性,所以,在社会工作的发展中,需要强调社会工作的人文关怀,需要重塑社会工作者的关怀品质。社会工作者的关怀体现在:从服务对象的角度而不是其他行政的或自己的主观的目的出发提供服务;联结服务对象与工作者之间积极的专业关系;在社会工作专业关系中投注积极的情感,而不是技术操作的官僚;将服务对象视为“社会人”,积极寻求其关系“网络”——家庭、单位、社区、团体等作为其工作介入点。关怀型社会工作者的培育,不仅需要社会方方面面的参与,而且需要个体的道德践履和心理调适,其塑造途径有:增强社会对社会工作的认同,使“有问题找社工”成为一种生活方式;构建人文视角的社会工作专业教育体系,培育出有生命力的社会工作者;投身生活世界,深化社会工作者的道德情感;重视自我照顾,保持“生命影响生命”的自身的生命能量。 本文以社会正义为立足点,适应时代的变革和社会主义现代化发展的需要,采用唯物辩证法、历史考察法、比较法,从社会工作主体的划分角度对中国社会工作发展的正义追求进行了较为深入而全面系统的理论探索,希望为中国社会工作的发展提供具有一定价值意义的思维理念和路径。
[Abstract]:"This is an age that can never be better, this is an age that can never be worse." Although we are far away from the time Dickens lived, we can also use this phrase to vividly describe the contradictions and entanglement of the modernized picture before us. On the one hand, reform and opening up, market economy has created unprecedented wealth. Rich, people in the material desire has been unprecedented satisfaction, on the other hand, industrialization, urbanization, modernization, social transformation, social change highlighted social problems are increasingly damaging the fairness of this society, justice, erosion of people's well-being of life. With the initiative of the Chinese government, social work in China has developed rapidly in a way different from that of the western countries, starting from the non-governmental development. It has become a way for China to solve social problems, realize the transformation of government functions and meet the growing needs of people's cultural life. To study the development of social work in China from the perspective of righteousness can not only deepen the theoretical knowledge of social work and its ethics, but also contribute to the healthy development of social work and the harmonious construction of society in practice.
Social work, which originated in the West, is a way to solve the social problems brought about by industrialization, urbanization and marketization. It has a history of more than one hundred years. Social work justice is an abstract and complex concept with pluralism and comprehensiveness, in order to turn it into a theoretically concrete concept. In practice, we decompose social work justice according to the subject of social work and the different value orientations of justice. The subject of social work is a system of interrelation and interaction, mainly composed of the government, social work institutions and social workers. The different value orientation of caring and so on, because the social work main body in the social work development process each needs the diligent direction to be different, each undertakes the task, the duty is different, therefore they also have the emphasis and the dimension different justice pursue.The government just dimension, the social work organization responsibility dimension, the social worker's concern. They constitute the justice system of social work and the action system of social work practice. They are the important guarantee for the safe operation, healthy development and harmonious progress of social work. Justice is the rational distribution of social resources to achieve social equality through the redistribution of free goods, embodied in the distribution of justice, the recognition of the recipient groups, recognition of the dignity of the recipient groups, giving individuals the opportunity to participate in social cooperation, contributing their own strength, integration into society to achieve the goal of social justice. The justice of social work embodies not only a value orientation that the government and society provide resources and services for the vulnerable groups to promote social stability, but also the pursuit of freedom and equal value by civil society, and the service system that transfers social welfare to the vulnerable groups, and also a kind of investment between social work professionals and work objects. The purpose of understanding the interactive influence is to achieve a deep understanding of the problem of the service object and to accompany the service object out of the predicament.
The emergence and development of China's social work is a part of the reform of the Chinese government system and the social welfare system. It has a distinctive feature of government advocacy, promotion and even construction. Justice has become the just demand of the government in the development of social work, which reflects the government's efforts to safeguard social justice. The development of social work is the institutionalization of the government's people-oriented concept of governance and the concrete embodiment of action, which reflects the government's respect for and Realization of civil rights and achieves certain success in economic construction. In the new era, harmony is the goal of social value pursued by the Chinese government, and the goal of social work is to meet people's needs through professional services, enhance people's ability, coordinate social relations, pay attention to the interests of vulnerable groups, and solve problems. Resolve social problems, share the fruits of social development, and achieve harmony between people and the environment, between people and people, between people and society. Therefore, harmony reflects the intrinsic agreement between the pursuit of social work value and the governance objectives of the Chinese government. Changing the government's administrative concepts and standardizing the government's rules of conduct; (2) Perfecting the just social security system requires not only further perfecting the social security system in China to provide macro-system guarantee for the development of social work, but also making clear that the value basis and concept of social security are based on fairness, not on economic construction. The priority of setting up leads to the fate of "giving priority to efficiency and giving consideration to fairness"; (3) Constructing the social work system, in the process of the development of social work in China, the establishment of the system obviously lags behind the development of practice. Therefore, only by establishing a perfect social work system can we guarantee the excellent resources for the development of social work. The situation, authority and sustainability; (4) To cultivate civil society work institutions, first of all, we should create a good legal system environment for the development of civil society work institutions; second, we should improve the registration management system of civil society work institutions; third, we should strengthen the supervision and management of civil society work institutions; and finally, we should promote the development of the capacity of civil society work institutions themselves. Exhibition.
Professional social work institutions are also important subjects of social work. Social work institutions are professional organizations that provide professional social services. They also provide employment, job opportunities and growth space for most social workers. They are a manifestation of the professionalization of social work in China. The growth environment of civil society is closely related. The values of equality, freedom, democracy, participation, humanism and self-development of civil society, the emergence of civil organizations with independence and common interests in civil society, and the perfection of the legal system in which civil society can ensure the universal rights and equal obligations of everyone. According to the mission and task of social work, the pursuit of justice by social work institutions is most important embodied in the commitment to public responsibility. Social work institutions need to assume certain public responsibility, which originates first from the public of social work institutions. The public responsibilities of social work institutions include: helping the government to provide optimal public social services; providing diversified social services to meet the social needs of various groups; and undertaking the community. The realization of the public responsibility of social work institutions is a process of pursuing and realizing the public welfare purpose. The process of heteronomy, which is completed by internal and external supervision guaranteed by the system, is also a process of self-discipline driven by ethical spirit from heteronomy. We need to construct a responsibility system of pluralistic coexistence including government, society and social work organizations themselves.
Social workers are the basic unit of social work practice, and the just demands of social workers are caring, which is also a word that makes people feel the warmth of human nature at all times. However, mastering professional social work methods and skills is also a moral practitioner full of human feelings and moral feelings. The greatest welfare of the service object is the service effect that social workers pursue. Their desires, needs and emotions are shown with kindness and compassion, emphasizing the two-way interaction and understanding between the caregiver and the cared, the inner health, the course of life, and the vital importance of competence, quality, and virtue in applying rules, implementing policies, helping others, and achieving justice. Induced by field economic rationality, social work becomes social engineering, social medical model or management model. Social workers are apt to abandon the nature of pursuing humanistic care and social justice. Therefore, in the development of social work, we need to emphasize the humanistic care of social work and rebuild the care quality of social workers. Care is embodied in the following aspects: providing services from the perspective of the object of service rather than other administrative or subjective purposes; connecting the positive professional relationship between the object of service and the workers; investing positive emotions in the professional relationship of social work rather than technical bureaucracy; and treating the object of service as a "social person", and accumulating. The cultivation of caring social workers requires not only the participation of all aspects of society, but also the moral practice and psychological adjustment of individuals. The ways to cultivate caring social workers are as follows: to enhance social recognition of social work and to make them find social workers with problems. It should become a way of life, construct a professional education system of social work from the perspective of humanities, cultivate vigorous social workers, devote oneself to the world of life, deepen the moral feelings of social workers, attach importance to self-care, and maintain one's own life energy of "life affects life".
Based on social justice and adapting to the changes of the times and the needs of the development of socialist modernization, this paper makes a thorough and systematic theoretical exploration of the just pursuit of the development of social work in China from the perspective of the division of social work subjects by means of materialist dialectics, historical investigation and comparative method, hoping to serve as social workers in China. The development of the work will provide some valuable thinking ideas and paths.
[Abstract]:"This is an age that can never be better, this is an age that can never be worse." Although we are far away from the time Dickens lived, we can also use this phrase to vividly describe the contradictions and entanglement of the modernized picture before us. On the one hand, reform and opening up, market economy has created unprecedented wealth. Rich, people in the material desire has been unprecedented satisfaction, on the other hand, industrialization, urbanization, modernization, social transformation, social change highlighted social problems are increasingly damaging the fairness of this society, justice, erosion of people's well-being of life. With the initiative of the Chinese government, social work in China has developed rapidly in a way different from that of the western countries, starting from the non-governmental development. It has become a way for China to solve social problems, realize the transformation of government functions and meet the growing needs of people's cultural life. To study the development of social work in China from the perspective of righteousness can not only deepen the theoretical knowledge of social work and its ethics, but also contribute to the healthy development of social work and the harmonious construction of society in practice.
Social work, which originated in the West, is a way to solve the social problems brought about by industrialization, urbanization and marketization. It has a history of more than one hundred years. Social work justice is an abstract and complex concept with pluralism and comprehensiveness, in order to turn it into a theoretically concrete concept. In practice, we decompose social work justice according to the subject of social work and the different value orientations of justice. The subject of social work is a system of interrelation and interaction, mainly composed of the government, social work institutions and social workers. The different value orientation of caring and so on, because the social work main body in the social work development process each needs the diligent direction to be different, each undertakes the task, the duty is different, therefore they also have the emphasis and the dimension different justice pursue.The government just dimension, the social work organization responsibility dimension, the social worker's concern. They constitute the justice system of social work and the action system of social work practice. They are the important guarantee for the safe operation, healthy development and harmonious progress of social work. Justice is the rational distribution of social resources to achieve social equality through the redistribution of free goods, embodied in the distribution of justice, the recognition of the recipient groups, recognition of the dignity of the recipient groups, giving individuals the opportunity to participate in social cooperation, contributing their own strength, integration into society to achieve the goal of social justice. The justice of social work embodies not only a value orientation that the government and society provide resources and services for the vulnerable groups to promote social stability, but also the pursuit of freedom and equal value by civil society, and the service system that transfers social welfare to the vulnerable groups, and also a kind of investment between social work professionals and work objects. The purpose of understanding the interactive influence is to achieve a deep understanding of the problem of the service object and to accompany the service object out of the predicament.
The emergence and development of China's social work is a part of the reform of the Chinese government system and the social welfare system. It has a distinctive feature of government advocacy, promotion and even construction. Justice has become the just demand of the government in the development of social work, which reflects the government's efforts to safeguard social justice. The development of social work is the institutionalization of the government's people-oriented concept of governance and the concrete embodiment of action, which reflects the government's respect for and Realization of civil rights and achieves certain success in economic construction. In the new era, harmony is the goal of social value pursued by the Chinese government, and the goal of social work is to meet people's needs through professional services, enhance people's ability, coordinate social relations, pay attention to the interests of vulnerable groups, and solve problems. Resolve social problems, share the fruits of social development, and achieve harmony between people and the environment, between people and people, between people and society. Therefore, harmony reflects the intrinsic agreement between the pursuit of social work value and the governance objectives of the Chinese government. Changing the government's administrative concepts and standardizing the government's rules of conduct; (2) Perfecting the just social security system requires not only further perfecting the social security system in China to provide macro-system guarantee for the development of social work, but also making clear that the value basis and concept of social security are based on fairness, not on economic construction. The priority of setting up leads to the fate of "giving priority to efficiency and giving consideration to fairness"; (3) Constructing the social work system, in the process of the development of social work in China, the establishment of the system obviously lags behind the development of practice. Therefore, only by establishing a perfect social work system can we guarantee the excellent resources for the development of social work. The situation, authority and sustainability; (4) To cultivate civil society work institutions, first of all, we should create a good legal system environment for the development of civil society work institutions; second, we should improve the registration management system of civil society work institutions; third, we should strengthen the supervision and management of civil society work institutions; and finally, we should promote the development of the capacity of civil society work institutions themselves. Exhibition.
Professional social work institutions are also important subjects of social work. Social work institutions are professional organizations that provide professional social services. They also provide employment, job opportunities and growth space for most social workers. They are a manifestation of the professionalization of social work in China. The growth environment of civil society is closely related. The values of equality, freedom, democracy, participation, humanism and self-development of civil society, the emergence of civil organizations with independence and common interests in civil society, and the perfection of the legal system in which civil society can ensure the universal rights and equal obligations of everyone. According to the mission and task of social work, the pursuit of justice by social work institutions is most important embodied in the commitment to public responsibility. Social work institutions need to assume certain public responsibility, which originates first from the public of social work institutions. The public responsibilities of social work institutions include: helping the government to provide optimal public social services; providing diversified social services to meet the social needs of various groups; and undertaking the community. The realization of the public responsibility of social work institutions is a process of pursuing and realizing the public welfare purpose. The process of heteronomy, which is completed by internal and external supervision guaranteed by the system, is also a process of self-discipline driven by ethical spirit from heteronomy. We need to construct a responsibility system of pluralistic coexistence including government, society and social work organizations themselves.
Social workers are the basic unit of social work practice, and the just demands of social workers are caring, which is also a word that makes people feel the warmth of human nature at all times. However, mastering professional social work methods and skills is also a moral practitioner full of human feelings and moral feelings. The greatest welfare of the service object is the service effect that social workers pursue. Their desires, needs and emotions are shown with kindness and compassion, emphasizing the two-way interaction and understanding between the caregiver and the cared, the inner health, the course of life, and the vital importance of competence, quality, and virtue in applying rules, implementing policies, helping others, and achieving justice. Induced by field economic rationality, social work becomes social engineering, social medical model or management model. Social workers are apt to abandon the nature of pursuing humanistic care and social justice. Therefore, in the development of social work, we need to emphasize the humanistic care of social work and rebuild the care quality of social workers. Care is embodied in the following aspects: providing services from the perspective of the object of service rather than other administrative or subjective purposes; connecting the positive professional relationship between the object of service and the workers; investing positive emotions in the professional relationship of social work rather than technical bureaucracy; and treating the object of service as a "social person", and accumulating. The cultivation of caring social workers requires not only the participation of all aspects of society, but also the moral practice and psychological adjustment of individuals. The ways to cultivate caring social workers are as follows: to enhance social recognition of social work and to make them find social workers with problems. It should become a way of life, construct a professional education system of social work from the perspective of humanities, cultivate vigorous social workers, devote oneself to the world of life, deepen the moral feelings of social workers, attach importance to self-care, and maintain one's own life energy of "life affects life".
Based on social justice and adapting to the changes of the times and the needs of the development of socialist modernization, this paper makes a thorough and systematic theoretical exploration of the just pursuit of the development of social work in China from the perspective of the division of social work subjects by means of materialist dialectics, historical investigation and comparative method, hoping to serve as social workers in China. The development of the work will provide some valuable thinking ideas and paths.
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1 ;[N];人民日报;2005年
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