[Abstract]:In 2000, China entered an aging society. With the deepening of population aging, aging has a significant impact on all aspects of society. Under the background of aging population, the problems existing in the social and economic aspects of the elderly are studied, which reflects the progress and development of the society. Living conditions are closely related to all aspects of people's life, and are closely related to people's physiological and psychological characteristics. For the elderly, with the aging of physiological function, their dependence on the living condition will increase, and the living condition is more important to them. The study of the living problems of the elderly has certain value for promoting and perfecting the construction of related disciplines of gerontology, and for the government to issue a targeted housing policy for the elderly, to promote the harmonious residence of the elderly. Therefore, it is of positive significance to promote the construction of a harmonious society; at the same time, it also embodies the excellent traditional culture of respecting the old and loving the old. Starting with the social investigation and combining with the physiological and psychological characteristics of the elderly, this paper probes into the living desire of the elderly in Jiangsu city from the angle of sociology, and aims at the problems existing in the residential aspects of the elderly in Jiangsu at the present stage. The corresponding solutions are put forward. Specifically, the paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, introduced the background and significance of the topic, research methods and other content; The third part focuses on the analysis of the housing needs and existing problems of the urban elderly in Jiangsu Province, the fourth part combines the actual situation of our country and uses the successful experience of foreign countries for reference, and puts forward some countermeasures to solve the housing problems of the urban elderly in Jiangsu Province. The fifth part is the conclusion and thinking, the paper is summarized and prospected.
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