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发布时间:2018-10-18 14:23
【摘要】:近三十年来,随着国家的工作重心转移到经济建设上,城市化和工业化的加快,我国农村的大量剩余劳动力开始大规模地流向城市,城市经济突飞猛进、城市人口大量增加,农村劳动人口锐减,同时也出现了大量以留守儿童、留守老人、留守妇女为代表的留守人口。社会上和学术界对留守儿童与留守老人的关注较多,但是从学术界的角度对农村留守妇女的关注相对较少。她们承担着照顾老人和子女的任务,在心理上承受着长时期与丈夫两地分居的现状,身体和心理方面都承受着很大的压力。宿州市是劳动力输出大市,农村妇女的留守较为普遍,而对宿州市的农村留守妇女缺少较为系统的研究,对其产生的问题也缺少较为有效的对策和解决措施,不利于社会的全面发展和共同进步。因此,加大对宿州市农村留守妇女的关注力度和进行相关系统研究,为加快社会主义新农村建设以及促进社会和谐发展有着积极和深远的意义。 本文在通过对宿州市农村留守妇女的实地调查研究的基础上,结合人文主义和实证主义的方法论对宿州市的农村留守妇女做了相关研究。首先,描述了宿州市农村留守妇女的特点和类型,着重考察了宿州市农村留守妇女的家庭经济状况、婚姻家庭状况、健康状况、农忙生产劳动状况、闲暇时间娱乐状况,从不同的侧面反映了农村留守妇女的生存状况。 其次,在此基础上系统性的分析了宿州市农村留守妇女留守的原因,留守的原因有个人家庭方面的原因、传统文化的影响、社会政策体制的影响及农村劳动力的大量剩余,产生了农村留守妇女这个群体。 第三,通过对实证材料的分析研究发现宿州农村留守妇女存在一系列的问题,她们存在的问题有心理压力大,缺少安全感;劳动强度大,身体状况差;对子女的教育力不从心;赡养老人责任重,婆媳关系一般。这些问题不仅影响着留守妇女自身和家庭的健康发展,同时对子女的教育、农村经济的发展都会带了一些负面的影响。 最后,针对宿州市农村留守妇女存在的问题,结合宿州市的实际情况提出建议和对策。发展农村经济,是解决农村留守妇女的根本途径。从妇女自身出发,提高农村留守妇女的素质,增强其生存发展能力,使其与社会发展同步。加强农村精神文明建设,丰富农村留守妇女的文化生活,为她们在农村社会的生活和发展提供宽松的空间。与此同时,政府在政策上给与支持,为她们的健康发展提供相关的制度和政策,为更好的解决农村留守妇女问题提供更多的视角。
[Abstract]:In the past three decades, with the shift of national work center to economic construction and the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization, a large number of surplus labor in rural areas of our country began to flow to cities on a large scale. The urban economy is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the urban population has increased greatly. The rural working population has decreased sharply, and a large number of left-behind population, such as left-behind children, left-behind elderly people and women left behind, have also appeared. The social and academic circles pay more attention to the left-behind children and the left-behind old people, but from the academic point of view, they pay less attention to the rural left-behind women. They bear the task of taking care of the elderly and children, suffering from the situation of separation from their husbands for a long time, and under great pressure both physically and psychologically. Suzhou is a large labor force export city, rural women stay behind is more common, but the rural women left behind in Suzhou lack of more systematic research, and the problems arising from the lack of more effective countermeasures and solutions. It is not conducive to the overall development of society and common progress. Therefore, it is of positive and far-reaching significance to pay more attention to the rural left-behind women in Suzhou and carry on the related systematic research in order to speed up the construction of the new socialist countryside and promote the harmonious development of the society. Based on the field investigation of rural left-behind women in Suzhou, this paper makes a related study on rural left-behind women in Suzhou with the methodology of humanism and positivism. First of all, it describes the characteristics and types of rural left-behind women in Suzhou, focusing on the economic situation, marriage and family status, health status, productive labor, leisure time and entertainment of rural left-behind women in Suzhou. It reflects the living condition of the rural women left behind from different aspects. Secondly, on this basis, it systematically analyzes the reasons why rural women stay behind in Suzhou, including the reasons of personal family, the influence of traditional culture, the influence of social policy system and the surplus of rural labor force. A group of rural women left behind was created. Thirdly, through the analysis of empirical materials, it is found that there are a series of problems for rural left-behind women in Suzhou, such as psychological pressure, lack of sense of security, heavy labor intensity, poor physical condition, poor education for their children; The responsibility of supporting the elderly is heavy, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is general. These problems not only affect the healthy development of left-behind women and their families, but also have some negative effects on the education of children and the development of rural economy. Finally, according to the problems of rural left-behind women in Suzhou, suggestions and countermeasures are put forward in combination with the actual situation of Suzhou. Developing rural economy is the fundamental way to solve the problem of rural left-behind women. Starting from women themselves, we should improve the quality of rural left-behind women, enhance their ability to survive and develop, and make them keep pace with social development. Strengthen the construction of rural spiritual civilization, enrich the cultural life of rural women left behind, and provide a loose space for their life and development in rural society. At the same time, the government gives policy support, provides the related system and policy for their healthy development, and provides more perspective for better solving the problem of rural women left behind.


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