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发布时间:2018-10-20 11:08
【摘要】:进入二十一世纪,面对政府各项工作重心向基层倾斜力度的进一步增大,面对社区干部老龄化和社区岗位大面积断层现象急需新鲜血液补充的迫切要求,面对目前社区青年干部各编制队伍迅速壮大而管理体系制度相对欠缺的不足,社区青年干部职业生涯管理已成为了街道办事处、镇政府及其上级组织部门急需探讨和解决的重要课题。 本文以社区青年干部(工作在街道办事处、镇政府及其下属单位的事业编制、聘用编制和公务员编制等各类编制的35岁以下公职人员)这一群体为研究对象,以职业锚理论为基础,同时重点借鉴国内开展的相关研究经验,以上海市长宁区所辖社区的245位社区青年干部为样本,通过文献检索、访谈与问卷调查、数理统计相结合的方法,重点了解社区青年干部各职业锚基于人口、工作等特征的分布特点,社区青年干部职业生涯管理现状、期望,社区青年干部职业生涯管理基于人口、工作等特征的分布特点,职业锚与职业生涯管理的关系等,得出了性别、工作部门、工作编制不同导致职业锚倾向存在差异,不同年龄、学历、工作编制、工作部门、工作年限对职业生涯管理认知度存在差异,社区青年干部增强服务奉献型倾向、减少自主独立性倾向能提升职业生涯管理满意度等结论,并从而对社区青年干部职业生涯管理分别从组织和个人两个层面提出具有可行性、针对性的建议。
[Abstract]:In the 21 century, in the face of the further increase of the focus of the government's work towards the grass-roots level, and the urgent need for fresh blood supply in the face of the aging of community cadres and the phenomenon of mass fault of community posts, In the face of the shortage of the rapid development of the community youth cadres and the relative lack of the management system at present, the career management of the community young cadres has become the sub-district office. The town government and its superior organization department urgently need to discuss and solve the important subject. This paper focuses on the group of young community cadres (civil servants under 35 years of age who work in the sub-district office, the establishment of the town government and its subordinate units, the employment establishment and the civil service establishment). Based on the theory of occupational anchor and the relevant research experience in China, 245 community young cadres in Changning District of Shanghai were selected as samples, through literature retrieval, interviews and questionnaires. With the method of combining mathematical statistics and statistics, this paper focuses on understanding the distribution characteristics of young community cadres based on the characteristics of population and work, the present situation of community young cadres' career management, the expectation, the community young cadres' career management based on population, etc. The distribution characteristics of job and other characteristics, the relationship between career anchor and career management, etc., and so on. It is concluded that different sex, work department and work organization lead to different tendency of career anchor, different age, education, job establishment, work department, etc. There are differences in the degree of recognition of career management between working years and career management. It is concluded that young community cadres can enhance their satisfaction with career management by increasing their tendency of service dedication and reducing the tendency of independence and independence. And then put forward some feasible and targeted suggestions on the career management of community young cadres from the two aspects of organization and individual.


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