[Abstract]:The important characteristic of urbanization with Chinese characteristics is elastic urbanization model. The core of elastic urbanization is that farmers advance and retreat between urban and rural areas, thus ensuring the steady and orderly process of urbanization in China. The social mechanism of elastic urbanization is to enter the city by relay. It is that farmers take flexible families with continuity and scalability as units, take half-work and half-tillage as their livelihood mode, take rural areas as their foundation, and take cities as their goal. Through the relay-type intergenerational support to achieve the dream of the family into the city process. Collective ownership in rural areas and the construction of new socialist countryside are the institutional guarantee for farmers to enter the city by relay. It is necessary to create more favorable conditions by perfecting the design of relevant systems to continue to give full play to the advantages of flexible urbanization and to support farmers to enter the city by relay.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心;
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