[Abstract]:Positive statistical information refers to the development of statistical information resources, the transformation of traditional statistical models, the construction of a new statistical system, and the realization of information-based collection of statistical information through the application of information technology such as computers, the Internet, big data, cloud computing, etc. Filtering, transmission, integration, conversion, storage, sharing, publishing process. In the present era, statistical information is one of the elements of knowledge capital and an indispensable social resource, which has a continuous role in promoting economic development. With the rapid development of information technology, the networking and electronization of statistical work has become an irreversible trend. In order to promote the modernization of statistical work, the National Bureau of Statistics launched the "four major projects", namely, a unified list of basic units, a unified survey system for tables, and a unified software platform for data collection and processing. A unified networked direct reporting system. " The goal of the four major projects is that all grass-roots statistical units will send raw data to a unified data processing center with the help of the Internet.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学管理学院;
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