[Abstract]:With the arrival of Web3.0 era, the rapid development of network media, the development of Internet applications triggered a new climax. The rapid increase in the number of elderly Internet users in China means that the elderly are no longer insulators of the online media, and the number of the elderly who are exposed to the online media is gradually increasing. The interest of some elderly people in the network media determines that this will be a promising field for the elderly. It is undoubtedly of great significance to study the elderly and websites. With the popularization of the network and the further popularization and improvement of the network knowledge, the work of ageing has been highly valued by the Party, the state and the society. The aging region and the network region have become two important fields. It needs to be intertwined and interacted to some extent. First of all, the main research object of this paper is the elderly website of our country, from the service value of the network to the elderly group, The service demand of elderly Internet users and the service barriers to the use of the Internet among the elderly are analyzed from three angles: the background of the application of the Internet to the elderly. Secondly, the content analysis method is used to analyze the contents of 50 old people's websites, through news, learning, health, service, etc. The five dimensions of interactive class explore the differences in the service content of different types of elderly websites for the elderly, and summarize the progress made in the construction of elderly websites and the shortcomings of column setting. Thirdly, this paper evaluates and detects the barrier-free design of the web site sample for the elderly, deeply excavates the shortcomings and shortcomings of the website in the process of construction, and puts forward some suggestions for the construction of the barrier-free web page based on the detection results. Finally, using the successful experience of foreign geriatric websites for reference, the main problems in the current stage of the websites are discussed and the improvement strategies are put forward. The strategies put forward in this paper are the media strategies to promote the network adaptation of the elderly, the fusion and communication of the aged media, and the organic combination of the elderly websites and the silver hair economy.
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