[Abstract]:At present, the Chinese society is in the period of social transformation acceleration and the deep adjustment of the benefit pattern, the social contradictions are prominent, the social anxiety is deepened, the people's ideality and the demand for human rights are becoming more and more intense. However, due to the imperfection of the social compensation mechanism, the people can vent their emotional and discontented channels and sites. Therefore, the Internet has become an important channel for the expression and demand of the people's interests. The Internet, with its unique media characteristics, has been used by civil society organizations or individuals as one of the carriers and means to initiate mobilization. The social mobilization of the Internet is a new form of social mobilization under the condition of the new age, which not only reflects the social contradictions and social problems in the transition period of our country, but also provides a very convenient and effective means for the public to participate in politics As a double-edged sword, it has the dual functions of positive and negative, which has deeply affected all aspects of social life, and it is helpful for us to guide and make rational use of it. With the background of the information age and the social transformation, this paper systematically expounds the concept, elements, categories, characteristics, formation and social effects of the Internet social mobilization, and analyzes the roles of the government, the media and the Internet users in the Internet social mobilization. and on the basis of this, how to deal with the Internet social mobilization and put forward the corresponding countermeasures Internet social mobilization is a special tool for mobilizing the main body with the help of the network. In order to achieve a certain purpose, the network space is organized and promoted in the network space for specific events, so as to cause the Internet users to gather and form on the Internet or the network The process of cluster behavior. Internet social mobilization is generally published by means of websites, forums, blogs, and other tools. Information to organize implementation. Internet social mobilization includes four basic elements: the mobilization of the subject, the mobilization of the object, the mobilization, It can be divided into three types: the mobilization of the government, the mobilization of the media, the individual and the organization. The space is different, and it can be divided into out-of-network event mobilization and has the unique characteristics of the internet social mobilization, which has the characteristics of strong anonymity, wide mobilization of objects, small mobilization activities, small space-time restrictions and strong interaction among the participants, People's identity and so on. There are many factors that raise the social mobilization of the Internet. The social mobilization of the Internet has a very special rule in the process of the development of the Internet. It is highly correlated with the interest factors and has a wide range of participation. The degree and depth of the government are affected by regional difference, level difference and the difference of the mobilization subject, and the government's attitude influences the effect of the mobilization, in which the national interests and safety and the public safety The social mobilization of the Internet has a double effect in the real life. On the one hand, it has the positive effects of fully expressing the public opinion, promoting the settlement of the events, promoting the process of democratization, and enhancing the national cohesion. On the other hand, it also has the same to cause social conflicts, to destroy the social and economic order, and to violate the right of the citizens In this respect, we must look at the negative effects of the right, the manufacturing of social unrest, and so on. The social mobilization of the Internet has three different actors: the government, the media, the netizens, the three in the mobilization activities It plays a different role and plays a different role. It is beneficial to understand and deal with the relationship of the three. In view of the influence of the social mobilization of the Internet on the development of the society, we should adopt scientific and reasonable response measures in practice, in particular, the right to the Internet social mobilization should be the following In the first place, we should pay great attention to the role of Internet social mobilization, not only to recognize the positive and reasonable role of the Internet, but also to ignore the negative effects of the Internet, and to avoid the harm; secondly, to formulate and perfect the network laws and regulations, and to use the strict legislation The third is to strengthen the regulation of network public opinion. The government and the industry cooperate and supervise; the fourth is to promote the process of democratization, to regulate the network's political participation, to clear the mechanism of interest expression, to guarantee the right of the citizens to know and to improve the credibility of the government, and to lead the social mobilization of the Internet and to carry out the press release. The system of the speaker, the introduction of the network and the administration of the network, while supporting the active network mobilization, It is necessary to establish a rational network mobilization mechanism, to strengthen the management and control of the network, to expand the network function of the civil society organizations, to innovate the network to mobilize and run the network, and to advance more The organic combination of the meta-mobilization mode; finally, to improve the comprehensive quality of the Internet users Strengthen its legal consciousness, sense of responsibility and improve its information processing ability. Internet social mobilization is a dynamic process, and we should further explore the means of forming power and mechanism, and continue to explore effective means to mobilize the Internet.
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