[Abstract]:Face, human relations in the traditional acquaintance society has played a positive role in order: face can not only encourage people to develop good behavior habits, but also inhibit their bad behavior; In the age of material scarcity, human beings are responsible for the function of social mutual assistance, through which people can form a kind of close social solidarity. However, at present, with the decline of the traditional "acquaintance society", the two kinds of cultural mechanisms have changed in function because of the change of the living soil, and then produced a tendency of anti-order. Due to the increasingly materialization of evaluation standards, face has become the inducement of all kinds of improper and profit-seeking behavior. In order to pursue material interests one-sidedly, people even do not hesitate to commit crimes at the expense of breaking the law. The falsehood of face operation not only causes many bad effects on people's daily life, but also easily leads to the corruption of public power. With the balance of "reciprocity" broken, human feelings are no longer the bonds of mutual help and solidarity, and even become a means of accumulating money or offering bribes, acting as the driving force of social division. How could face and human relations, which once had the function of positive order, become spoilers of order in the present? The change of public opinion structure is the main reason.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学法学院;
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