[Abstract]:Under the background of globalization and modernization, most economic activities take place outside the family, the individual does not have to rely on the family to survive and develop, and the function of raising children in the family is greatly weakened, thus the traditional marriage and family have undergone great changes. The disintegration of marriage causes the poverty of women and children, which makes modern people unable to establish psychological support to others and environment through the family, which affects the growth of the next generation and induces a culture of discontent with actual harmfulness. Solving the resulting problems requires not only the establishment of welfare systems, the promotion of marriage commitments and the revival of traditional culture, but also the provision of non-economic support such as mental health care and access to education, as well as the elimination of gender discrimination through cultural transformation, Spread a positive modern concept of marriage and family.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学外语学院;
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3 Q孟推,