[Abstract]:With the transformation of social structure in our country, people's values and values are becoming more and more diverse, the traditional ethics of marriage and love in our country have also been impacted, some high-class and high-income women have the phenomenon of difficult to choose a spouse and difficult to marry. Active or passive choice of single life, thus forming a "leftover women" group. "leftover women" refers to a group of older young women with high education, high income and high age who have no ideal destination in marriage. The phenomenon of "leftover women" is an ethical problem that can not be ignored, and the ethical reflection on this phenomenon is also extremely important. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the phenomenon of "leftover women" which is spreading day by day in China. The first chapter asks whether the phenomenon of "leftover women" is ethical, and emphasizes that the phenomenon of "leftover women" involves the moral values of "leftover women", especially the moral values of marriage and the social moral values of "leftover women". It is believed that the phenomenon of "leftover women" has the characteristics of ethical problems. The second chapter analyzes the reality of the ethical dilemma of marriage reflected by the phenomenon of "leftover women", and further reveals the close relationship between the phenomenon of "leftover women" and ethics. By discussing the main ethical issues, such as marriage freedom, social responsibility, marriage morality, reproductive right and so on, the third chapter further shows the ethical influence of the phenomenon of "leftover women" on the social life in China. In view of the complexity of the phenomenon of "leftover women" as an ethical problem, the fourth chapter makes some ethical reflections on the phenomenon of "leftover women", the main purpose of which is to arouse people's attention and thinking about the following questions: should society give ethical care to "leftover women"? Does "leftover woman" need to strengthen moral self-discipline? If today's Chinese society wants to solve the problem of "leftover women", will it face ethical difficulties?
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