[Abstract]:Government embedding, village order and village collective action are the internal variables of village governance in China. The relationship among them determines the change of village governance structure. By analyzing the "event-process" of road construction in G village, it is found that the structure of village governance in the post-tax era has undergone structural changes from endogenous governance, mobilization governance to de-embedding governance. In the period of endogenous governance, village governance needs the ruling of external authority to ensure the balance of the internal order of the village, and the village as a whole has strong autonomy. Under the background of the differentiation of village interests, village governance needs to rely on the soft force mobilization represented by soft and hard bubble, because of the gradual decline of the governance ability of the grass-roots regime. In the period of de-embed governance, the village society needs to rely on the council led by the economic elite to maintain the operation of the village community. The transformation of village governance structure in G village reflects the rural governance logic of "planning changes". Village governance increasingly presents the characteristics of structural discretization. Under the background of the "big transformation" of the village society at present, it is necessary to resist the impact of the market through government support to the village society, and to reconstruct the village governance structure of "interactive co-governance".
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学政治与国际关系学院;
【基金】:湖北省社会科学基金重点项目“湖北公共服务体系创新研究”(ZD2016WT010) 华中师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目“中国地方治理现代化及国际比较研究”(CCNU14Z02008)
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