[Abstract]:The failure, inefficiency and ineffectiveness of social communication in grass-roots social governance are mainly due to the compatibility between the embedded daily social interaction model and policy-oriented social communication. In the deep layer of social communication, there are differences between the two sides in policy script and social principle, and in the middle level there is the "face function" that Chinese culture relies on, while in the communication surface, the discourse runs. And daily social interaction model to form a confluence. After social communication is combined with daily social interaction, it is necessary to follow the principle of symmetry of communication in the field of daily life. The core connotation of the principle of symmetry in communication lies in: this symmetry is the symmetry of people's qualifications as interlocutors and the symmetry of personality. In order to solve the problem of social communication failure in social governance at the grass-roots level, it is necessary to desalinate the asymmetric migration power brought by the policy subjects in social stratification and political communication, and take the attitude of ordinary people in daily life. Realize the transition from asymmetry to symmetry to establish the "us" relationship that the interlocutor needs. The establishment of this kind of dialogue relationship is the premise of effective social communication and the basic condition of realizing good governance in social governance at the grass-roots level.
【作者单位】: 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心;
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