[Abstract]:Female subjective consciousness is an important factor affecting women's own development and the process of equality between men and women. As a special group of society, female college students will become an indispensable force to promote social development. However, under the influence of employment pressure and traditional culture, the development of independent consciousness of some female college students lags behind obviously. Taking the female college students of Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology as the object of investigation, the author studies and analyzes the subject consciousness of the female college students. The results show that there are still some biases in the contemporary female college students' understanding of the role of life, self-value and the social reality of inequality between men and women. The rule of patriarchal culture is the fundamental reason for the lack of female subject consciousness, and the construction of advanced gender culture is the first condition to promote the awakening of female subject consciousness. Colleges and universities should give full play to the role of the dissemination of advanced culture and promote the development of female college students' subjective consciousness through the establishment of female courses and the construction of campus culture.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江科技大学人文社会科学学院;
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