[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform and opening-up of China, the economic, political and cultural aspects of China have made great progress in the past 30 years. At the same time, the Chinese social structure has changed greatly, the appearance of the new social stratum, the growth of the civil society and the rise of the civil society. All these have laid a good foundation for the social development of Chinese citizens. At present, in the process of the development of various kinds of social organizations in China, there is a phenomenon that has attracted more and more attention. It is the community sports social organization that reflects the public and the value of the human being, and shows the social development of the civil society by the community sports social organization which shows the cohesion, the identity, the accommodation and the public welfare. In this paper, a case study method, a content analysis method, a participation observation method and a non-structured interview method are adopted in the framework of the national and social relation theory, based on the perspective of the civil society, in order to study the object of the football super league ("back-over"). On the basis of the theory of civil society, the self-organization theory, the theory of legality and the principle of the generation, the author analyzes the power, the internal running mechanism, the resource mobilization mode, the restricting factors and the renewal of the core price of the "back-over" phenomenon. Value. It provides a meaningful reference for the cultivation of the self-organizing activity pattern of the urban community sports social organization, thus promoting the culture of the civil society. childbearing. The present study concluded that The following conclusions are:1. The "back-over" is based on the rise of the civil society, the construction of the community in the back and the dragon view, and the community network of the community, with the support of the town government, the community citizens spontaneously organize the society. The sports activities in the district. "It is a kind of new social phenomenon and the innovation form of the important community public welfare organization, the non-governmental nature of its activities, the non-government of the member's behavior, the non-administration of the organization form and the operation mode, and the self-organizing of the activities." Weaving and democratic equality are the social reform of public sports service a typical interpretation.3,
"back-over" trunk > The organizational structure is the ring-layer system. The important factors and signs of successful "back-over" are extensive social participation, and the participants form the real subject of the activity. They are the "back-over" The motive force of self-organization development is: interest attraction, self-motivated motivation based on the development of the public welfare, the "back-over" operation mechanism is to use the power of the network, to apply the innovative operation means and the mode, to make the idea of the public interest and the public welfare start-up in the hearts of the people, to establish the independent, independent and inter-organizational mutual trust, In order to achieve the benign mechanism of public identity, the "back-over" resource mobilization mode is based on the open circle layer structure, adopting the way of institutionalization, large-scale and public welfare, and carrying out benign interaction with the social subjects such as the government, the enterprise and the media, Construct the internal and external participation system of the organization. The core value of the "back-over" 's renewal, one is the "innovation", and the second is" trunk> "take. In addition, this study reconsiders the "back-over" phenomenon and excavates the "trunk>" back-over "< From the level of social system and the internal operation level, the "trunk>" back-over "< On the basis of this study, on the basis of this study, how to promote the development of the community sports social organization to the socialization and the market-oriented direction with the help of the development of the civil society on the influence of the sports and the development of the large-scale community in the process of urbanization How to further develop with China's sports The combination of the exhibition is to be further studied. Therefore, The follow-up study of this study has two key difficulties: first, how to make the physical education return to the essence and promote the sports The development of the foundation of the foundation of the social organization (grass-roots organization); secondly, how to promote the further promotion and development of the commercial operation for the folk sports (such as the community football) in China and the deep
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