[Abstract]:Under the background of social transformation, the family structure and living mode are changing significantly in our country. In this paper, the research framework constructed from the social transformation sums up the influencing factors into the ideological concept and the life course, the tradition of the ideological concept and the modern check and balance each other, and forms the intergenerational living mode between the traditional and the modern. Based on the data of "Family dynamic Survey", this paper constructs an sequential Logistic model to analyze the influence of the change of ideas on the current family structure and intergenerational living arrangements in China from the perspective of social transformation. The results showed that the family size was shrinking and the family structure was changing significantly: the proportion of nuclear families decreased, and the proportion of direct families, single families and empty nest families increased. From the point of view of intergenerational living mode, traditional parents still tend to live with their sons, but the living distance between their children and their parents becomes longer; modern (urbanized life and higher education) makes the living distance between parents and children far away; and the needs of parents and children reduce the intergenerational living distance at different stages of life. Generally speaking, the changes of family structure and intergenerational living mode make the family function less, and the family pension is facing a crisis as a result.
【作者单位】: 中国社科院人口与劳动经济研究所;
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