[Abstract]:The study of contemporary academic history is a new subject. "Contemporary academic history" includes two elements: "academic history" and "contemporary". "academic history" is the academic research on academic research, that is, the course of academic development in the past. "Contemporary" is a general concept of time, which refers specifically to 1949 to the present. The contents of contemporary academic history research mainly include macro academic history research, subject history research, scholar case study, academic criticism and so on. Chen Plain was put forward earlier in the new period and actively carried out the study of academic history and achieved outstanding research results. Before "academic history", the term "contemporary" was specially qualified, and the proposition of "contemporary academic history" was put forward, then the Journal of Cloud Dreams was done earlier. At present, the study of contemporary academic history should emphasize the diversification of research methods, and there are several points worthy of attention: first, attention should be paid to the problem-centered research, secondly, attention should be paid to the case study of scholars, and thirdly, attention should be paid to the oral records of contemporary scholars (oral history). We have every reason to take a positive and optimistic attitude towards the future development of the study of contemporary Chinese academic history. For a long time in the future, the study of contemporary academic history will continue to become a hot field of academic research, and important achievements will be made. "Contemporary academic history" will gradually be built into a more mature discipline in the exact sense.
【作者单位】: 湖南理工学院中文系;《云梦学刊》;
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