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发布时间:2018-08-05 12:00
【摘要】:近年来“第三次工业革命”这一词汇,是在经济、科技和社会生活等领域频繁出现的词汇。美国学者杰里米·里夫金出版了《第三次工业革命》一书,在书中全面分析了第三次工业革命的全球性影响,他提出互联网、绿色电力和3D打印技术正引导着“第三次工业革命”。3D打印技术作为一种新兴技术,从飞机、汽车、巧克力、器官到星球再造式的沙漠打印,正成为一种迅猛发展的潮流,让越来越多的人了解到3D打印技术。 根据国际快速制造行业权威报告《Wohlers Report2011》发布的调查结果,全球3D打印产业产值在1988-2010年间保持着26.2%的年均增长速度。报告预期,3D打印产业未来仍将持续较快地增长,到2016年,包含设备制造和服务在内的产业总产值将达到31亿美元。据中国3D打印技术产业联盟数据预估,至2016年中国将成为全球最大3D打印机市场。 本文以3D打印行业企业竞争力影响因素为研究对象,从3D打印企业的竞争力评价入手,将企业竞争力分为显性指标和隐性指标。显性指标是企业竞争力的外在表现,直接表明企业竞争力的实现状况;隐性指标,作为竞争力的影响因素来研究,揭示出决定企业竞争力的因素。影响因素的研究中,本文在一般企业竞争力影响因素的理论基础上,结合21个案例分析,以及3D打印行业的特点,将3D打印行业企业竞争力影响因素分为以下9个:战略设计力、渠道获取力、客户获取力、设计获取力、资金获取力、成本领先力、产能提升力、市场营销力、研发创新力,并建立3D打印企业竞争力影响因素模型。通过问卷调查和实证分析,利用相关性分析和回归分析,验证了假设和模型的合理性。最后在实证分析的基础上,说明了本研究的不足,并提出了后续研究的方向。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the term "the third Industrial Revolution" has frequently appeared in the fields of economy, science and technology and social life. Jeremy Rifkin, an American scholar, published the third Industrial Revolution, in which he comprehensively analyzed the global impact of the third Industrial Revolution and proposed the Internet. Green electricity and 3D printing technology are leading the "third Industrial Revolution". 3D printing technology as a new technology, from aircraft, cars, chocolate, organs to planet recycling desert printing, is becoming a rapid trend. Let more and more people know about 3D printing technology. According to the survey results published by the International Rapid Manufacturing Industry Authority report "Wohlers Report2011", the output value of the global 3D printing industry maintained an average annual growth rate of 26.2percent between 1988 and 2010. The report expects the 3D printing industry to continue to grow rapidly in the future, with gross output including equipment manufacturing and services reaching $3.1 billion by 2016. China is expected to become the world's largest market for 3D printers by 2016, according to the China 3D Printing Technology Industry Association. In this paper, the factors affecting the competitiveness of 3D printing enterprises are taken as the research object. The competitiveness of 3D printing enterprises is divided into explicit index and recessive index from the evaluation of the competitiveness of 3D printing enterprises. The explicit index is the external performance of the enterprise's competitiveness, which directly indicates the realization of the enterprise's competitiveness, and the recessive index, as the influencing factor of the competitiveness, reveals the factors that determine the enterprise's competitiveness. In the research of influencing factors, based on the theory of influencing factors of general enterprise competitiveness, combining with 21 cases analysis, and the characteristics of 3D printing industry, The factors affecting the competitiveness of 3D printing enterprises are divided into the following nine factors: strategic design, channel acquisition, customer acquisition, design acquisition, capital acquisition, cost leading, capacity upgrading, marketing, R & D innovation, etc. A model of factors influencing the competitiveness of 3D printing enterprises is established. The rationality of hypothesis and model is verified by questionnaire and empirical analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Finally, on the basis of empirical analysis, this paper explains the shortcomings of this study, and puts forward the direction of follow-up research.


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