[Abstract]:In the 20th century, American historiography changed a lot, but the influence of "liberal grand narration" has always been great. It emphasizes the importance of progressive-liberalism in American history. Denouncing conservatism as the edge away from the mainstream of American politics and society, some scholars began to question this paradigm in the 1960s, pointing out that the conservative movements of the 20th century in the United States originated from the heritage of traditional ideas. Different ways from the mainstream of American politics and culture need to be studied in depth. However, it was not until the 1990s when Alan Brinkley raised the issue of American conservatism that it attracted widespread attention that the relevant research actually entered a period of prosperity, in which the 20th century American history was almost rewritten. Scholars trace the origin of modern American conservatism back to the 1920s and 1930s or even earlier, and think that its revival after the 1980s is the final outbreak of long-term accumulative power. Its development pattern in the South is not only a reflection of the general trend of the United States after the war, but also a typical one. The old liberal consensus was widely questioned, with the New deal, the silent 1950s, the radical 60 s and the lost 70 s being reinterpreted. At the same time, historians also began to reflect on their achievements and existing problems, and put forward the need to guard against the tendency of "Whigelitism" to avoid the other extreme of exaggerating the success of conservatism and the "collapse" of liberalism. Abandoning the traditional thinking mode of dualistic opposition and examining the postwar political process as a whole. Therefore, the study of conservatism not only concerns its own importance, but also reflects the larger structural changes in American history in the 20th century.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学历史学系;
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