本文关键词: 楔子战略 中美关系 威胁制衡 联盟预阻 出处:《国际展望》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since the end of the Cold War, the thinking of alliance and divided alliance has been running through the national security policies of successive administrations of the United States. After Trump became President of the United States, his foreign security strategy has not yet been finalized. However, in the aspect of international security, the alliance thinking continues. This paper holds that the wedge strategy is an important part of the current Asia-Pacific strategy of the United States, and its strategic goal is to achieve alliance pre-obstruction in the Asia-Pacific region. That is to preempt the formation of any potential security alliance or alliance against the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. The specific operational mechanism of the wedge strategy relies mainly on the "approval" and "compensation" of the "selective adjustment" wedge strategy. Two ways. Exert divisive pressure on the target actors, while inducing one side to pressure the other, and use the position of the United States on specific international political issues to pry and widen the gap between the target actors and the countries concerned. In order to gain strategic benefits. Although China pursues a foreign policy of "partnership and non-alignment," the United States, based on the theory of threat checks and balances and the preemptive thinking of alliance, is still seeking to penetrate the wedge between China and other Asia-Pacific countries. In order to pursue its own interests in the geopolitical structure of the Asia-Pacific region, China must maintain its strategic determination and deal with it effectively.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院;
【正文快照】: 在国际安全研究领域,联盟政治的地位举足轻重。国家为何结盟以及如何选择盟友一直是国际政治研究领域的重要议题。斯蒂芬·沃尔特(Stephen M.Walt)认为,“塑造国际联盟的力量是国际政治中最重要的组成部分,许多关于外交政策和大战略的争论主要根源于有关国际联盟起源的观念分
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