本文关键词: 美国 奥巴马 中东政策 出处:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中东地处欧亚非三大洲交界处,连接三洲五海,拥有得天独厚的战略地位和丰富的能源资源,同时也是基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教的发源地。中东地区战略位置重要,历来是兵家必争之地。又由于错综复杂的地缘政治关系和宗教关系,该地区长期是世界所关注的热点问题。 第二次世界大战结束后,美国凭借其在战争中增长起来的政治、经济和军事实力,一跃成为世界头号霸主,并通过制定“遏制”苏联、称霸世界的全球战略,开始涉足中东地区;苏联解体后,美国取得了在中东地区的主导地位,并不断的加强对中东地区的控制,来维持其全球霸权。9.11事件后,美国本土遭到了沉重打击,导致恐怖主义上升为美国的头号威胁。小布什政府开始在全球奉行“单边主义”政策,尤其是在中东地区,以武力来打击恐怖主义,保障美国的本土安全。先后在中东地区发动了阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争。因小布什时期美国奉行的“单边主义”政策,总是通过武力来解决中东地区的问题,激起了阿拉伯伊斯兰的民众反美、仇美的情绪。虽然美国拥有其全球超级大国的强大的综合国力和军事实力,但美国在中东地区处于强势地位的同时在中东的主导地位却有所削弱。后小布什时期的美国虽然对其中东政策作出多次调整,但只是手法和战术上的改变,并没有对“单边主义”政策作出实质性的修正。 本文首先分析了奥巴马政府上台后,面对中东的复杂的局面和金融危机后美国经济的相对衰落,对小布什政府的中东政策进行了调整的内容,认为奥巴马政府力主以接触和对话的方式同中东地区的国家相处,取代布什政府时期的武力手段,以此来缓解美国在中东地区所处的不利位置,修复美国的形象。其次本文分析了实施中东政策的主要途径,认为是从解决巴勒斯坦和以色列的和平问题入手,通过对以色列施加压力迫使其回到同巴勒斯坦的谈判中来推动巴以的和平进程;对待伊朗则一改布什政府时期采用的的恐吓政策,采取接触和对话的方式,通过软实力和硬实力的交互应用来限制伊朗的核武器进程;从伊拉克撤军,把更多的精力投入到打击阿富汗和巴基斯坦的反政府武装活动中,摧毁恐怖主义的主要根据地;维护伊拉克的和平,把伊拉克建设成为中东民主的“样板”。最后,本文认为奥巴马的中东政策虽然做了较大的调整,但是其维护国家霸权地位的战略是始终不变的。 本文通过对奥巴马中东政策调整的背景、手段及内容的分析,试图从美国国家战略全局的角度揭示美国的战略意图,试图为中国制定中东政策,处理好与美国的关系,维护中国国家利益提供视角。
[Abstract]:The Middle East is located at the junction of the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, connecting the three continents and the five Seas. It has a unique strategic position and abundant energy resources, and is also Christian. The birthplace of Judaism and Islam. The strategic position of the Middle East region has always been a battle for war, but also because of the intricate geopolitical and religious relations. The region has long been a hot issue of concern to the world. After the end of the second World War, the United States, with its political, economic and military strength, rose to the top of the world, and made a global strategy to "contain" the Soviet Union and dominate the world. Began to set foot in the Middle East; After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States gained the leading position in the Middle East region, and constantly strengthened its control over the Middle East region to maintain its global hegemony. The Bush administration has begun to pursue a policy of "unilateralism" around the world, especially in the Middle East, to combat terrorism by force. To safeguard the security of the United States at home, the Afghan and Iraqi wars were launched successively in the Middle East region. Because of the policy of "unilateralism" pursued by the United States during the Bush era, the problems in the Middle East region are always solved by force. It has stirred up anti-Americanism and anti-Americanism among the Arab Islamic people, despite the fact that the United States has the overall strength and military strength of its global superpower. However, while the United States is in a strong position in the Middle East, its dominant position in the Middle East has been weakened. Although the United States made many adjustments to its Middle East policy during the post-Bush period, it only changed its tactics and tactics. There is no substantial amendment to the policy of unilateralism. This paper first analyzes the Obama administration in the face of the complex situation in the Middle East and the relative decline of American economy after the financial crisis, and adjusts the Middle East policy of Bush administration. It is believed that the Obama administration urges us to get along with the countries in the Middle East by means of contact and dialogue, instead of the military means of the Bush administration, in order to alleviate the disadvantageous position of the United States in the Middle East region. Secondly, this paper analyzes the main ways to implement the Middle East policy, and thinks that it begins with the peace between Palestine and Israel. To advance the Palestinian-Israeli peace process by exerting pressure on Israel to return to negotiations with the Palestinians; On the other hand, Iran should be treated by changing the intimidating policy adopted during the Bush administration, adopting the way of contact and dialogue, and using the interaction of soft power and hard power to limit Iran's nuclear weapons process. Withdraw troops from Iraq, devote more energy to the anti-government activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and destroy the main bases of terrorism; To maintain peace in Iraq and build Iraq into a "model" of Middle East democracy. Finally, this paper thinks that Obama's Middle East policy has made great adjustments. But its strategy of maintaining national hegemony has always remained unchanged. By analyzing the background, means and content of Obama's Middle East policy adjustment, this paper tries to reveal the strategic intention of the United States from the perspective of the overall situation of American national strategy, and tries to formulate the Middle East policy for China. Handling relations with the United States and safeguarding China's national interests provide a perspective.
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