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发布时间:2018-02-23 23:41

  本文关键词: 大国 整体国家利益 霸权实力地位 霸权制度地位 出处:《现代国际关系》2017年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The sovereign state has a holistic interest, which is the supreme interest of the state within a certain period of time and is shared by all social strata. The definition of the overall national interest constitutes the basic basis for the state to formulate diplomatic strategies. It is also the basic basis for measuring the importance of specific national interests such as security, economy, culture and so on. This paper defines the overall national interests of big countries from their position in the international system. The major powers in the international system are divided into two categories: hegemonic and general powers. The overall national interest of hegemonic powers is to consolidate and improve the hegemonic power and hegemonic institutional status. In the long run, the overall national interests of the general powers are defined from the long-term and short-term perspectives. In the long run, the overall national interests of the general powers are to acquire the hegemonic power status and the hegemonic institutional status; in the short run, The overall national interests of the major powers in general should be limited to gaining the position of hegemonic power and gaining regional dominance when conditions permit, peaceful development, first integration and then moderate change in the international system, Should be the rise of general powers, the peaceful transfer of hegemonic status of the rational path.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国际关系学院;


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