发布时间:2018-03-10 06:37
本文选题:冷战后 切入点:日印关系 出处:《山东师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:冷战时期,受美苏两个超级大国争夺世界霸权的国际政治气氛影响,日本和印度的双边关系一直处于平淡状态,基本上没有实质性的交往。冷战结束后,面对发生了巨变的世界政治经济格局,日印都采取实用主义的态度调整了各自的外交政策,逐渐趋于接近。进入新世纪以来,两国关系总体上处于不断强化之中。 冷战后,日本和印度在政治、经济、军事等各个方面展开一系列交流与合作:政治的合作上主要表现为两国领导人互访增多,建立起了两国首脑定期会晤机制,双方在联合国改革以及地区合作等事务上达成了共识,并建立起了面向21世纪的全球战略伙伴关系。经济合作方面,日本对印度加大了官方援助力度,到2003年印度已经成为日本最大的官方援助受援国,两国的经济部门还建立了长期对话机制,有效地推动了双边经贸的进行和拓展,两国还在科技和环境保护领域展开了密切合作。军事合作上,日印军方高层频繁互访,日本亦主动解除了对印度实行了多年的武器禁运,并多次在西太平洋和印度洋举行日印联合军演,双方安全合作逐步加深。 日本与印度关系的发展的动因主要有四个方面:第一,两国在维护地缘安全利益上有着契合点,都试图防范和遏制中国的迅速崛起;第二,两国的经济合作有着空间广阔。日印两国的经济结构有着较强的互补性。日本是当今世界发达国家之一,工业技术先进,资金雄厚,,但国内劳动力短缺;印度作为一个发展中大国,拥有众多的人口、广阔的市场、发达的软件服务业以及大量计算机人才,但面临着建设资金缺乏的困境,所以日本和印度能在资金、技术和劳动力的供给上进一步开展合作,促进两国经济的共同增长;第三,两国在意识形态上能够相互认同。日本在亚洲推行价值观外交,极力拉拢印度加入其弧形繁荣圈;而印度也对具有和自己同样政治经济制度的日本抱有天然的好感;第四,冷战后,美国出于维护本国在亚太地区的战略利益,寻求亚洲各国的势力平衡而有意推动日印接近。 冷战后日印关系的强化对在地缘上处于两者中间的中国产生了一定影响:首先,日印在与中国的原有争端中互相借重,加剧了中国与日印的领海和领土争端;其次,经过日印对台湾的长期渗透,加大了中国解决台湾问题的难度;再次,日印对南海地区的介入加剧了南海问题国际化的趋势,并对的中国的海上能源运输安全提出了挑战。 面对当前复杂多变的国际形势,中国应审时度势,沉着应对。在外交上适当调整应对策略,积极开展全方位外交。根据实际情况,区别对待日印,尽量消解日印关系强化所带来的消极影响,并对美国的亚太战略意图保持足够警惕。进一步巩固中国与俄罗斯、东盟以及欧盟在各个领域的协调与合作,在经济上打造稳固的经济安全基础,在安全上进一步加强国防建设,并重视国家软实力的建设,争取在复杂的国际环境下保持较好的外部发展环境,切实维护中国的国家利益。
[Abstract]:During the cold war, influenced by the two super powers for world hegemony in international political atmosphere, bilateral relations between Japan and India has been in a flat state, does not have any substantial basically. After the end of the cold war, in the face of changes in the world political and economic situation, Japan and India are taking a pragmatic attitude to adjust their diplomatic the policy tends to be close. In the new century, the relations between the two countries in general continue to strengthen.
After the cold war, Japan and India in the political, economic, launched a series of military exchanges and cooperation and other aspects: political cooperation mainly for increased exchanges of visits between the leaders, the leaders of the two countries to establish a mechanism of regular meetings, the two sides in the reform of the United Nations and regional cooperation on such matters reached a consensus, and establish a global strategy partnership for twenty-first Century. The economic cooperation, Japan has increased the official aid to India, to India in 2003 has become Japan's largest official aid recipient countries, bilateral economic department also established a long-term dialogue mechanism, effectively promote the bilateral trade of the two countries in science and technology and development, and environmental protection areas close cooperation. Military cooperation, Japan India military frequent high-level mutual visits, Japan also took the initiative to lift the arms embargo imposed on India for many years, and many times in the Western Pacific Japan and the India ocean held a joint military exercise with Japanese India, and the security cooperation between the two sides was gradually deepened.
Reasons for the development of relations between Japan and India. There are four main aspects: first, the two countries have a meeting point in the maintenance of regional security interests, to prevent and curb the rapid rise of China; second, the economic cooperation between the two countries have a broad space. The economic structure of the two countries are highly complementary in Japan. One of the world's developed countries, advanced technology, abundant capital, but the domestic labor shortage; India as a developing country, has a large population, vast market, developed the software service industry as well as a large number of computer talents, but faced with the plight of the lack of construction funds, so Japan and India in the capital, technology and the supply of labor on further cooperation, promote common economic growth in both countries; third, the two countries can ideologically mutual identity. Japan pursued the values diplomacy in Asia, trying to pull From India to join the arc circle and India prosperity; and to have myself the same political and economic system in Japan have natural affection; fourth, after the cold war, the United States to maintain its strategic interests in the Asia Pacific region, the balance of power for Asian countries and intends to promote India close.
Strengthen the influence in two geographically the Chinese Japan India relationship after the Cold War: first, rely on each other and the original dispute with India in Chinese, exacerbated by the China and India territorial waters and territorial disputes; secondly, after Japan and India on Taiwan's long-term infiltration, increase the difficulty to solve the Taiwan issue Chinese again, Japan and India; exacerbated the trend of internationalization of the South China Sea in the South China Sea and the challenge to the intervention, China offshore energy transportation safety is put forward.
In the face of the complex international situation, China should assess the situation calmly. Appropriate adjustment strategies in diplomacy, and actively carry out all-round diplomacy. According to the actual situation, to differentiate between Japan and India, to strengthen the digestion of Japan India relations negative effects, and the Asia Pacific strategy America's intention to maintain sufficient vigilance to further consolidate. Chinese with Russia, the EU and ASEAN in various areas of coordination and cooperation, to build a solid economic foundation in the economic security, to further strengthen national defense construction in safety, and to pay attention to the construction of national soft power, to maintain good external environment for development in the complex international environment, and earnestly safeguard the China national interests.
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