本文选题:联合国 切入点:组织有效性 出处:《中国政法大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 采用何种方法,从什么角度分析、考察联合国,并对其进行改革才能使其有效完成使命是国际关系领域一直非常关注的问题。本文从组织有效性视角对联合国目前的运作情况进行了分析和研究,对组织有效性的含义、组织有效性影响因素、联合国改革的必要性、联合国改革历程及其面临的组织变革困境以及如何改革联合国以使其有效完成使命等问题进行了回答。 本文包括导论和四章。导论对选题的目的、研究现状、研究意义、研究方法进行了介绍。 第一章回答了组织有效性是指组织在运作过程中实现其所预设的价值和使命,以及完成组织任务和目标的程度。指出影响组织有效性的主要因素有组织的宗旨、财政体制、决策和执行能力、控制力、协调力。并为全文尤其是第二章和第三章从组织有效性及组织变革困境视角分析联合国改革的必要性提供了理论依据和分析框架。 第二章从影响组织有效性的几个主要因素入手分析了联合国改革的必要性。联合国宗旨及其原则是联合国改革的“航标”,但联合国框架存在违背宗旨和原则的缺陷;联合国财政资金的有限性和组织机构膨胀、腐败问题威胁着联合国的生存;联合国群体决策和执行能力存在着不足的问题;联合国在及时发现和纠正组织错误方面存在缺陷,需要对联合国的控制力进行改革;联合国系统充满着矛盾和冲突,且是复杂、多变的,有效的协调力是联合国有序运作的保证。该章主要是从组织有效性视角对联合国改革的必要性进行分析。 第三章将联合国的改革历程分为三个阶段,并结合组织变革理论指出联合国改革面临的困境。联合国改革历程很漫长,改革者也做出了积极的努力,但由于联合国复杂、多变、不确定的外部环境和僵硬、稳定的内部机制的阻力造成了联合国组织变革出现困境。本文在第四章中试图提出改革方法。 第四章回答了联合国如何改革以使其有效完成应有使命的问题。以第二章中分析联合国改革必要性为对策提出的依据,并结合第三章中对联合国已有改革历程和变革困境的分析,提出从五个方面进行改革以保证联合国有效完成使命。 结语部分指出联合国自成立之时就在不断地进行改革,从联合国改革中获得启示,认为不断进行学习对改革联合国以使其有效完成使命具有重要的意义,联合国应该做不断学习的组织。
[Abstract]:What methods and perspectives are used to examine the United Nations, This paper analyzes and studies the current operation of the United Nations from the perspective of organizational effectiveness and the meaning of organizational effectiveness. The influence factors of organizational effectiveness, the necessity of UN reform, the course of UN reform and the dilemma of organizational change, and how to reform UN to fulfill its mission effectively are answered. This paper includes an introduction and four chapters. The introduction introduces the purpose, research status, research significance and research methods of the topic. In the first chapter, the author points out that the organizational effectiveness refers to the degree to which the organization achieves its predetermined value and mission in the course of its operation, as well as the degree of accomplishing the organizational tasks and objectives. It points out that the main factors affecting the organizational effectiveness are the organizational purpose, the financial system, It also provides a theoretical basis and an analytical framework for the analysis of the necessity of UN reform from the perspectives of organizational effectiveness and organizational change dilemmas. The second chapter analyzes the necessity of the reform of the United Nations from several main factors which affect the effectiveness of the organization. The purposes and principles of the United Nations are the "navigational aids" of the reform of the United Nations, but the framework of the United Nations has defects which are contrary to the purposes and principles. The limited financial resources of the United Nations and the expansion of its organizational structure, the problem of corruption threatening the survival of the United Nations; the inadequacy of the decision-making and implementation capacity of the United Nations community; and the shortcomings of the United Nations in detecting and correcting organizational errors in a timely manner, Reform of the control of the United Nations is required; the United Nations system is fraught with contradictions and conflicts and is complex and volatile, Effective coordination is the guarantee of the orderly operation of the United Nations. This chapter analyzes the necessity of the reform of the United Nations from the perspective of organizational effectiveness. The third chapter divides the reform process of the United Nations into three stages, and points out the dilemma of the reform of the United Nations by combining the theory of organizational change. The reform of the United Nations has been a long process, and the reformers have also made active efforts, but because of the complexity of the United Nations, The changeable, uncertain external environment and the resistance of rigid and stable internal mechanism cause the difficulty of the United Nations organizational change. In the fourth chapter, this paper tries to put forward the reform method. Chapter IV answers the question of how the United Nations can be reformed in order to enable it to fulfil its mandate effectively and based on the analysis of the need for United Nations reform in chapter II, Combined with the analysis of the history and predicament of the reform of the United Nations in the third chapter, this paper puts forward five aspects of reform to ensure the effective completion of the mission of the United Nations. Noting that the United Nations has been undergoing continuous reform since its inception, the concluding section considers that continuous learning is of great importance to the reform of the United Nations in order to enable it to fulfil its mandate effectively, The United Nations should be an organization for continuous learning.
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