发布时间:2018-04-08 09:30
本文选题:冷战结束 切入点:东北亚地区安全 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:90年代初苏联解体,宣告冷战结束,美苏两极格局瓦解,世界形势大为转变,进入“除旧革新”的过渡时期。此时的东北亚地区形势也有了历史性的变化,总体环境趋于缓和。地区各国都希望借此时机同周边国家改善关系。而这一时期的朝鲜在对外政策上持续保守,一度“闭关锁国”。冷战前的朝鲜在国家对外关系上一直仅限于“社会主义阵营”当中,主要靠中苏两大国的帮助维护自己的国家安全,而后苏联解体,打破这一局面,加上90年代中期,朝鲜遭受了严重的自然灾害,国内经济环境已面临崩溃,国民生活苦不堪言,朝鲜领导人考虑如何在此时的新形势下维护自身国家安全,并且摆脱此时所处的被外部环境抛弃的局面,故而积极的转换对外政策,谋求改善同周边各国的双边关系。在同传统友好国家保持良好关系的基础上,朝鲜十分重视改善与日本之间的关系,以实现日朝关系正常化来获得日本的经济赔偿及资金援助。日本方面,如若实现了两国邦交正常化对其自身国家利益也有重要意义。从地缘政治分析,日本四面环海,作为岛国,资源匮乏,,安全环境异常脆弱,日本同东北亚其他各国均有领土争端,历史遗留问题顽固存在,使双边关系紧张而敏感,而朝鲜又不断的进行核试验,导弹试射,使日本深切感受到国家安全不断受到外界的威胁。朝美和朝韩关系也随着冷战后的东北亚局势得到缓解,如果日本再不认识到同朝鲜邦交正常化的重要性,就会使自己逐渐丧失在朝鲜半岛问题的发言权,削弱其影响力。故而,日朝两国邦交正常化的实现都是彼此国家战略中重要组成部分,是一种相互“需要”。 从1991年开始直到现在的两国邦交化会谈,进行了十几轮,两国关系始终没有进展,在某些方面争论不休,相持不下,使两国关系不断的陷入“恶性循环”。究其原因,在历史,安保等方面的障碍难解。日本对于朝鲜不顾国际制裁,不断的开发核武器,试射导弹的行动上,头痛不已,日本国家安全屡遭威胁,故而不断的加强日美同盟,提高自己的军事能力。日朝关系的改善同美韩两国有着千丝万缕的联系,使得日本在对朝关系上无法掌握主动权。随后“绑架问题”的出现,使日本国内媒体舆论对朝鲜进行了一面倒的“妖魔化”,使国内民众对于日本开展对朝双边关系态度并不积极,邦交正常化谈判难以良性的进行。朝鲜方面始终要求日本必须要认清曾经的侵略历史,做出必要的道歉与赔偿,否则其他问题无法进行商谈。日朝两国在解决邦交谈判之路上的解决路径也完全迥异,多次的谈判及会议中,两国都始终坚持自己的立场,这就给两国邦交正常化谈判的实现不断的设置障碍。日朝双边关系的正常化之路“步履维艰”,但也不排除在未来新时期,新的国际环境下,两国会在某些阻碍因素方面相互让步,出现转机,进而加快两国邦交正常化的步伐。
[Abstract]:In the early 1990s, the Soviet Union broke up, declared the end of the Cold War, the bipolar pattern of the United States and the Soviet Union collapsed, and the world situation changed greatly, and entered a transitional period of "innovation without the old".At this time, the situation in Northeast Asia also has historical changes, the overall environment tends to ease.All countries in the region hope to take this opportunity to improve relations with neighboring countries.During this period, North Korea remained conservative in its foreign policy and was once closed to the outside world.Before the Cold War, North Korea was always confined to the "socialist camp" in its foreign relations, relying mainly on the help of China and the Soviet Union to safeguard its national security. Then the Soviet Union broke up, breaking this situation, plus in the mid-1990s.North Korea has suffered serious natural disasters, the domestic economic environment has been faced with collapse, and the national life is in dire straits. North Korean leaders are considering how to safeguard their national security under the new situation at this time.And get rid of the situation abandoned by the external environment, and actively change foreign policy, and seek to improve bilateral relations with neighboring countries.On the basis of maintaining good relations with traditional friendly countries, the DPRK attaches great importance to improving its relations with Japan in order to normalize Japan-DPRK relations in order to obtain Japan's economic compensation and financial assistance.For Japan's part, normalization of diplomatic relations is also important for its own national interests.From the geopolitical analysis, Japan is surrounded by the sea on all sides, as an island country, with scarce resources and extremely fragile security environment, Japan has territorial disputes with other countries in Northeast Asia, and problems left over by history persist, making bilateral relations tense and sensitive.North Korea also conducted nuclear tests and missile tests, which made Japan feel the constant threat to its national security.DPRK-US and DPRK-ROK relations have also eased along with the situation in Northeast Asia after the Cold War. If Japan fails to realize the importance of normalization of diplomatic relations with the DPRK, it will gradually lose its voice in the Korean Peninsula issue and weaken its influence.Therefore, the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and North Korea is an important part of each other's national strategy and a mutual "need".Since 1991 until now, the two countries have had more than a dozen rounds of state-to-state talks. The relations between the two countries have never made any progress. In some areas, the two countries have been at loggerheads and have been locked in a "vicious circle".The reason is that the obstacles in history, security and so on are difficult to understand.Despite international sanctions, Japan has continued to develop nuclear weapons and test missiles in spite of international sanctions. Japan's national security has been repeatedly threatened, so it has constantly strengthened its alliance with the United States and enhanced its own military capability.The improvement of Japan-DPRK relations with the United States and South Korea is inextricably linked, leaving Japan unable to take the initiative in its relations with the DPRK.Subsequently, the emergence of the "abduction issue" made the Japanese domestic media public opinion "demonize" the DPRK on one side, and the domestic people were not positive about Japan's bilateral relations with the DPRK, and the negotiations on normalization of diplomatic relations were difficult to carry out in a benign way.North Korea has always demanded that Japan recognize its history of aggression and make the necessary apologies and reparations, otherwise no other issue can be negotiated.The path of settlement of diplomatic negotiations between Japan and North Korea is completely different. In many negotiations and meetings, the two countries have always maintained their own stand, which has constantly put obstacles to the realization of the normalization negotiations between the two countries.The road to normalization of Japan-DPRK bilateral relations is "difficult", but it is also not ruled out that in the new period in the future, under the new international environment, the two countries have made mutual concessions in some aspects of hindrance, making a turn for the better, thus speeding up the pace of normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
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