本文选题:网络空间治理 + 中美关系 ; 参考:《上海国际问题研究院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the birth of the Internet, it has developed at the speed of geometric progression, and cyberspace, which is built on the construction of Internet infrastructure, can provide services for human social activities. With the global digital era, cyberspace has become the "fifth territory" in human history and an important field of global governance. Both China and the United States belong to a large country in cyberspace, both in terms of the utilization rate and popularization rate of the Internet and the level of the development of network technology, and the Internet plays an important role in the development and stability of the two countries. At the same time, cyberspace is also the contest field of Sino-American strategic game. With the strengthening of militarization tendency, cyberspace may become another battlefield in human history. Because the two countries represent different governance ideas and ideas, as well as the governance model, that is, the "multi-stakeholder" model and the multilateral model led by the government, it is also one of the reasons that the cyberspace governance action is difficult to unify and the consensus development is slow. On specific issues, China and the United States because of historical and practical reasons, there are still many differences. Because of the unique property of cyberspace, cyberspace governance is different from other problems, so the traditional path is overstretched. This paper makes use of the analytical framework of the complex theory of global cyberspace governance mechanism to govern the ICANN management power at the technical level from the four angles of "width", "depth", "combination" and "performance degree". It also analyzes the issues of cyber warfare and cyber espionage at the level of code of conduct in order to find the differences and points of convergence between China and the United States on these issues, and how to find a breakthrough in the current slow progress of governance between China and the United States. Through the analysis, it is found that the greater the cooperation space between China and the United States is, the lower the degree of "width" and "depth" is, the direction of Sino-American cooperation should be the field of cyberspace governance that has not yet established rules and norms. That is to say, "establishing rules and regulations" is not only an urgent problem to be solved in promoting the development of cyberspace governance, but also the largest area of cooperation between China and the United States at present. It has proved that by coordinating cooperation mechanisms and balancing the interests of both sides, China and the United States can indeed actively cooperate on such issues, such as cyber espionage. The process of cyberspace governance has a great impact on Sino-US relations. The cooperation between China and the United States in the field of cyberspace governance can not only strengthen the construction of bilateral relations, but also promote the development of global cyberspace governance process. In addition, by analyzing bilateral interaction patterns in these issues, China and the United States can find the best way to govern cyberspace, and bilateral relations can be further consolidated in the governance process.
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