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发布时间:2018-05-08 19:28

  本文选题:对台政策 + 欧台关系 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:冷战后,在对经济利益追求的基础上欧盟逐渐形成了相对清晰的对台政策,欧台关系在军售、经贸等领域取得了一定程度的突破性进展,与此同时,欧台政治关系也不断提升。这对致力于实现祖国统一和领土完整的中国来说是一个值得关注的动向。正因为此,本文着重分析了冷战后欧盟对台湾的政治、经济、军事、文化政策,以及影响欧台关系发展的诸多因素,并在此基础上力图描绘出欧台关系未来可能的发展方向,使人们对围绕台湾问题的国际形势有一个较清晰的认识。 在结构设计上,除绪论和结论外,本论文的主要内容共分为五部分。 第一部分,欧盟对台政策的历史演变。通过回顾冷战前后欧盟对台政策的演变,得出欧盟对台政策是在国际格局的影响下,在“一个中国”框架内基于经济利益的考量而制定的。但是,在保障经济利益的同时,欧台间的政治关系也开始松动并逐渐提升。 第二部分,欧盟对台湾的经济政策。在欧台交往中,经贸关系一直扮演着核心角色,欧盟对台湾的实质性关系也是制定各种政策来谋求在台经济利益的最大化。欧盟对台经济政策主要表现在三个方面:在台设立经贸办事处,强化双边经贸合作;扩大年度谘商会议功能;改善投资环境,鼓励台湾对欧投资。这些经济措施强有力的促进了欧台间的经贸交流,但同时为了欧台经贸关系的顺利发展和深化,欧盟还在台湾设立各种经济组织并不断提升其职能,从而使其具有了政治功能,使欧台经贸关系逐渐表现出政治化的倾向,成为中国解决台湾问题的又一个不稳定因素。 第三部分,有限介入台海安全事务。相对于美国和日本来讲,台湾并不在欧盟的优先战略之内,欧盟也没有有效的工具介入台海安全事务。但是由于在台湾及中国大陆经济利益的需要,欧盟又力求台海两岸和平稳定。这种特性决定了欧盟通过对台军售和对华武器禁运来维持台海两岸军事力量平衡,并极力主张两岸和平解决台湾问题,推动两岸的建设性关系,以达到欧盟利益的最大化目标。 第四部分,欧盟对台文化政策与文化交流。由于欧洲人权民主观念的深刻性和普遍性,使欧盟及其成员国不遗余力的把自己的人权观作为人权标准向全世界推广,推行价值观外交。在台湾问题上,欧盟一方面强调价值观认同,支持台湾民主化,另一方面又试图利用民主人权为由来介入两岸事务。欧盟这种无视文明差异、国情差异、政治制度差异的做法实质上是对台湾问题的“隐性介入”。 第五部分,欧台关系的影响因素与未来走向。欧盟与台湾之间不仅仅是一种简单的双边关系形态,更是国际关系网中的一环;从实质上讲,欧台关系的发展过程就是欧盟—中国—台湾两国三方的博弈过程。随着中欧全面战略伙伴关系的建立,欧中关系的紧密度大大加强,而欧中关系的强化实际上则是欧台关系的相对弱化,特别是中国大陆市场对欧盟强大的吸引力及在国际重大议题合作中对中国日益上升的影响力的依赖,都决定了欧盟不可能无限度的提升对台关系。 最后,在结论部分对前文的论述做了简要的综述,并指出从实质上讲,欧台关系的发展过程就是欧盟-中国-台湾两国三方的博弈过程。欧盟对台湾政策的定位实质上是在中欧关系的框架下,顺应国际形势的变化,追求在台湾利益最大化的产物。
[Abstract]:After the cold war , on the basis of the pursuit of economic interests , the European Union has gradually formed a relatively clear policy on Taiwan , which has made some breakthrough progress in the fields of arms sales , trade and trade . At the same time , the political relations between Europe and Taiwan have been promoted . This article focuses on the analysis of the EU ' s political , economic , military and cultural policies in Taiwan after the cold war , as well as many factors that affect the development of the relations between the European and Taiwan .

In the structural design , besides the introduction and conclusion , the main contents of this thesis are divided into five parts .

The first part , the European Union ' s historical evolution of Taiwan policy . By reviewing the evolution of the European Union ' s policy on Taiwan before and after the cold war , it is concluded that the EU ' s policy of Taiwan is based on the consideration of economic interests in the framework of " One China " under the influence of the international situation . However , the political relations between the European and Taiwan are beginning to loosen and gradually increase while safeguarding the economic interests .

In the second part , the EU has played a central role in Taiwan ' s economic policy . Economic and trade relations have always played a central role in the exchanges between the EU and Taiwan . The EU ' s substantive relationship to Taiwan is also the maximization of Taiwan ' s economic interests . The EU ' s main performance in Taiwan ' s economic policy is three aspects : the establishment of economic and trade offices in Taiwan and strengthening bilateral economic and trade cooperation ;
Expanding the function of the annual consultative meeting ;
In order to improve the investment environment and encourage Taiwan ' s investment in Europe , the economic measures have promoted the economic and trade exchanges between the European and Taiwan , but also in the light of the smooth development and deepening of the economic and trade relations between Europe and Taiwan , the European Union has set up various economic organizations in Taiwan and has continuously promoted its functions so that it has the political function , which gradually shows the tendency of politicization and becomes another destabilizing factor in China ' s settlement of the Taiwan question .

In the third part , the EU is not in the EU ' s priority strategy , but the EU has no effective means to intervene in Taiwan ' s maritime security affairs . However , because of the need for economic interests in Taiwan and China , the European Union has sought to maintain peace and stability on both sides of the Taiwan Strait . This feature determines the EU ' s balance of military forces on both sides of the Taiwan Straits through arms sales and arms embargo against China , and strongly advocates a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue across the Straits and promotes constructive relations across the Straits to maximize the interests of the EU .

On the Taiwan issue , the EU emphasizes the value identification , supports the democratization of Taiwan and tries to use the democratic human rights to intervene the cross - strait affairs .

The fifth part , the influence factors of the relationship between European and Taiwan and the future trend . The European Union and Taiwan are not only a simple bilateral relationship form , but also a ring in the international network .
In essence , the development of the relationship between Europe and Taiwan is the game between the EU , China and Taiwan . With the establishment of Sino - EU comprehensive strategic partnership , the tight density of Sino - European relations is greatly strengthened , while the strengthening of Sino - European relations is actually the relative weakening of the relations between Europe and China , especially the strong attraction of the Chinese mainland market to the EU and the growing influence of China in the cooperation of major international issues .

Finally , in the conclusion part , the author makes a brief review of the foregoing discussion , and points out that the development process of the relationship between the European and Taiwan is the game process of the EU - China - Taiwan two countries . The EU ' s position on Taiwan policy is essentially in the framework of the Sino - EU relations , conforms to the change of the international situation and pursues the product of maximizing the interests of Taiwan .



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