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发布时间:2018-05-28 18:00

  本文选题:域外大国 + 南海问题 ; 参考:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of disputes in the South China Sea, the South China Sea has become one of the most important hot topics in the international community. The main topics include the construction of islands and reefs in the South China Sea, the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, and the cooperative exploitation and utilization of resources in the South China Sea. On the surface, the dispute in the South China Sea is a territorial dispute between China and Southeast Asian countries. In fact, it is a strategic game between the major powers led by the United States and China in the South China Sea and the Asia-Pacific region. The involvement of foreign powers in the South China Sea issue not only meets the needs of the strategic interests of the major powers in the Asia-Pacific region, but also meets the need for the countries around the South China Sea to coax up the foreign powers to curb the rise and development of China. The United States, Japan, India's three foreign powers in the South China Sea issue is an important factor that can not be ignored. The development trend of the South China Sea issue is not only one of the important factors that influence the development of the relations between China and the great powers, but also determines the future peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region to a certain extent. The United States, Japan, and India, on the one hand, are based on the needs of the development of their own strategic interests, and on the other hand, on the basis of the need to contain China's continuous rise and development, through the continuous enhancement of their military presence in the South China Sea, By supporting the relevant claims of the dispute states in the South China Sea, maintaining close relations with neighboring countries and continuously strengthening the cooperative relations between them, and so on, to comprehensively and deeply intervene in the South China Sea issue, it not only makes the South China Sea issue more complicated and internationalized, It also makes it more difficult for China and relevant countries to resolve the South China Sea issue peacefully. By summing up and analyzing the above problems, this paper puts forward how China should deal with the intervention of foreign powers in the South China Sea from two aspects of international and domestic, and then draws a conclusion. Disputes in the South China Sea cannot be solved overnight. China should be patient enough, make long-term plans and strategies, and work together with relevant countries to resolve disputes in the South China Sea by peaceful means so as to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win results. It also adds positive factors to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world.


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