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发布时间:2018-05-28 23:48

  本文选题:政府开发援助 + 政策演变 ; 参考:《山西大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 政府开发援助作为国家在国际关系中对外施加影响、谋求自身国家利益的一种重要方式,是国际政治经济学研究的重要内容,同时亦是国际关系中研究国别关系,尤其是研究援助国与受援国双边关系的重要内容。政府开发援助作为世界经济中的一种常见现象,其意义已经远远超出了简单的国与国之间的经济行为,它对援助国与受援国间的双边关系产生的影响越来越大。发端于1979年的日本对华政府开发援助是日本政府开发援助体系的重要组成部分,实施的30年来对中日间的经贸关系与政治关系产生了深刻的影响。 本文通过对日本对华政府开发援助政策30年的演变进行分阶段分析,来认识其演变背后的深层次原因及对各阶段中日关系产生的深刻影响。并对2008年日本对华ODA终结后的中日关系进行了思考与展望。具体而言,本文的主要内容由以下四部分构成: 第一章,从政府开发援助这一概念入手,分析了国际政治经济学视角下政府开发援助的概念及其政治经济意义,同时对国际政府开发援助体系及二战后日本政府开发援助和对华政府开发援助的起源做简要介绍,为后面章节分析日本对华ODA政策提供理论基础。 第二章,对20世纪80年代的日本对华ODA政策进行梳理,分析该阶段日本对华ODA顺利实施的原因及对该阶段中日经贸与政治关系产生的影响。 第三章,在对20世纪90年代日本对华ODA实施情况进行简要介绍的基础上对该阶段日本对华ODA遇到摩擦的深层次原因进行分析,并说明这种摩擦对该阶段中日经贸及政治关系产生的影响。 第四章,分析进入21世纪日本对华ODA日益工具化,成为日本对华施加政治影响的手段之一的原因,认为这种情况直接导致日本对华ODA的仓促终结。在此基础上分析了该阶段的日本对华ODA对2000—2008年的中日关系所产生的影响。并对“后ODA时代”的中日关系进行展望,最后就对华ODA终结后双方关系良好发展提出了几点较为可行的对策建议。
[Abstract]:As an important way for a country to exert influence and pursue its own national interests in international relations, government development assistance is an important part of the study of international political economy, and also a study of national relations in international relations. In particular, the important content of bilateral relations between donor and recipient countries is studied. As a common phenomenon in the world economy, government development assistance has more and more significance than simple economic behavior between countries, and it has more and more influence on the bilateral relations between donors and recipients. Japan's development aid to China, which originated in 1979, is an important part of the Japanese government's development aid system, and has had a profound impact on Sino-Japanese economic and trade relations and political relations in the past 30 years. By analyzing the evolution of Japan's development aid policy to China in three decades, this paper tries to understand the deep reasons behind the evolution and the profound influence on Sino-Japanese relations in various stages. Moreover, the author thinks and looks forward to the relationship between China and Japan after the end of Japan's ODA to China in 2008. Specifically, the main content of this paper consists of the following four parts: The first chapter, starting with the concept of government development assistance, analyzes the concept of government development aid and its political and economic significance from the perspective of international political economy. At the same time, it gives a brief introduction to the system of international government development assistance and the origin of Japanese government development aid and Japanese government development aid to China after World War II, which provides a theoretical basis for the analysis of Japan's ODA policy to China in the following chapters. In the second chapter, the author combs Japan's ODA policy toward China in the 1980s, analyzes the reasons for the successful implementation of ODA in this stage and its influence on Sino-Japanese economic and trade and political relations. The third chapter, on the basis of brief introduction of Japan's ODA implementation to China in the 1990s, analyzes the deep-seated causes of Japan's ODA friction with China at this stage. The influence of this kind of friction on the Sino-Japanese economic and trade and political relations is explained. The fourth chapter analyzes the reasons why Japan's ODA to China has become increasingly instrumental in the 21st century and has become one of the means for Japan to exert political influence on China. It is believed that this situation directly leads to the hasty end of Japan's ODA to China. On this basis, the influence of Japanese ODA on the Sino-Japanese relations from 2000 to 2008 is analyzed. Finally, some feasible countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the good development of Sino-Japanese relations after the end of ODA in China.


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