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发布时间:2018-06-04 22:03

  本文选题:一带一路 + 禁毒 ; 参考:《中国人民公安大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the implementation of the national strategy of "Belt and Road", the countries along the route continue to strengthen the relationship between each other in order to maximize the interests of all countries, and the development of the countries along the route has entered a new period. However, these countries face traditional drug security problems. Because the "Belt and Road" initiative is open and allows countries to join the strategy at any time, it would be unrealistic to include all the countries in the region in regional anti-drug police cooperation, with too many countries and a very complex situation. Therefore, this paper defines the scope of anti-drug police cooperation in the "Belt and Road" region as three drug source areas in the region-"Golden Triangle", "Golden Crescent" [2], "Black Triangle" [3], and the regional drug control cooperation focuses on these three drug source areas. To develop regional drug policing cooperation. How to make full use of Belt and Road's new cooperation framework to solve the traditional drug problem also embodies the core idea of "Belt and Road" national strategy. The "Golden Triangle" and the "Golden Crescent" are two long-standing sources of drugs. The international community and the countries under their jurisdiction attach great importance to the fight against drugs in these two regions, and the governments of the region have not only adopted a series of anti-drug measures, Multilateral and bilateral regional drug-control police cooperation with other countries has made a series of major achievements. The Black Triangle is an emerging drug source, with few examples of drug policing cooperation in the region. According to the challenges faced by the "Belt and Road" national strategy and the actual situation of the three drug sources, this paper, taking them as the center, respectively, expounds that the regional cooperation in drug control police faces war chaos and domestic political instability. The legal system and the cultural consciousness have the difference and so on aspect barrier. In view of the obstacles encountered in the development of regional anti-drug police cooperation in the three drug source areas, combined with the "Belt and Road" national strategy and the AIIB mechanism covered by it, this paper starts from the source, circulation, Terminal three levels to explore the "Golden Triangle" and "Golden Crescent" and "Black Triangle" region to carry out a new concept of regional anti-drug policing cooperation, and strive to provide reference for regional anti-drug policing cooperation, In order to protect the implementation of the "Belt and Road" national strategy.


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