发布时间:2018-06-30 20:06
本文选题:美国 + 印度尼西亚 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:美国与印度尼西亚外交关系是冷战时期美国与第三世界国家,尤其是不结盟国家关系的重要内容和典型缩影。冷战爆发后,美国试图将印尼拉入西方阵营,使其成为自由世界的组成部分,但却在相当长的时期内被印尼与共产主义错综复杂的关系所困扰。与其他亚非新兴国家不同,印尼不仅是不结盟运动的重要领导力量,同时也是世界第三大共产党——印尼共产党的所在地。更特殊但却一直被忽视的是,自1955年后长达十年的时间里,美-印尼关系被印尼出现的一系列领土问题所干扰,美国对此问题的反应和政策同其他因素一起塑造了这一时期的美-印尼关系。关于1956至1966年期间美-印尼关系发展的宏观脉络,国内外学者已基本勾勒清楚,本文的研究旨在探讨美国对印尼领土问题的反应和政策,与美-印尼关系变化之间的关系,并分析这一因素与包括美国对外援助、印尼内政以及同中苏的争夺等因素在双方关系发展过程中的相互作用。本文认为,美国对印尼领土问题的反应和政策一步步削弱和侵蚀着战后初期同印尼建立的友好关系,并最终导致1965年双方走向破裂的边缘。 本文研究使用的文献资料主要来源于美国政府解密档案、中国外交部档案、部分被翻译成中文或英文的前苏联档案,以及亲历者的回忆录和其他相关学术论著。文章分五部分展开论述。 第一章主要分析美国与印尼友好关系的形成,以及美国对印尼领土问题的初步反应与政策。战后美国对印尼政策以及美-印尼关系的形成并非孤立事件,而是以美国对东南亚,乃至亚洲政策的演变为背景的。冷战的形成和向亚洲的扩展改变了包括印尼在内的东南亚地区在美国对外战略中的地位,至杜鲁门执政结束,美国与印尼基本形成以美国援助为基础的友好关系。同时这段时期也是印尼建国后最为困难的时期,除经济萧条外,还面临领土分裂的危险,以及部分领土继续被荷兰占据的现实。对于印尼的领土问题,由于牵扯到西方盟友荷兰,美国采取的基本原则是“既要满足民族主义者的基本要求,同时要将作为美国西方盟友的殖民势力的压力减少到最小的程度”,据此,美国采取反对荷兰干涉印尼的地方叛乱,但在西伊里安争端问题上选择“维持现状”的政策。 第二章主要论述美国对印尼外岛叛乱的分析、决策过程,以及美国支持叛乱政策对美-印尼关系造成的影响。艾森豪威尔政府上台时,美国面临的印尼局势发生明显变化,最突出的是印尼阿里政府确立不结盟外交政策,开始积极发展与中苏关系,并努力推动亚非独立力量的形成。作为应对,美国对印尼政策做出一系列调整,但却始终无法改变印尼向共产主义靠拢的“现实”。在美国接连受挫之际,打着反共旗号的外岛叛乱为美国迅速实现对印尼政策目标提供了“机遇”。在政府高层和中情局的推动下,艾森豪威尔政府做出了秘密支持外岛叛乱、分裂印尼的决定。但最终外岛叛乱迅速溃败,美国支持叛乱的行径导致美-印尼关系陷入低谷,而中苏借机迅速拉近了与印尼中央政府的关系。 第三章着重探讨美国对印尼与荷兰西伊里安争端的政策变化和调整。艾森豪威尔政府为修复因外岛叛乱造成的美-印尼关系裂痕,加强和扩大了对印尼经济、军事援助力度,但这一努力的作用被美国在西伊里安领土争端中的消极中立政策所削弱;与此同时,中苏通过对印尼收复西伊里安的支持,进一步加强了与后者的关系。至肯尼迪上台,西伊里安争端已进入危机阶段,印尼-荷处于爆发战争的边缘。致力于以现代化理论应对第三世界动荡问题的肯尼迪政府,为促使印尼将正常重心转向国内经济发展,经过曲折的政策调整,最终抛弃了前任的消极中立政策,通过积极斡旋实现争端的和平解决,帮助印尼以间接方式收复领土,为恢复印尼友好关系创造了条件。 第四章重点分析了西伊里安争端后,美国对接踵而来的印马争端的态度和政策,及其对美-印尼关系的影响。美国帮助印尼收复西伊里安后,印尼政府的战略中心并未如美国所愿回归国内建设,而是迅速卷入与马来西亚的另一场领土争端。由于印马争端同时牵扯到英国、澳大利亚、新西兰等盟友,在越战冲突加剧的背景下,肯尼迪政府被迫中止部分援助以示对印尼实行粉碎马来西亚政策的反对姿态。约翰逊政府上台后,美国起初试图通过积极外交斡旋解决争端,避免在印度支那之外爆发另一场东南亚冲突,但美国的努力最终化为泡影。在印尼对马来西亚对抗行动升级后,随着1965年美国对印尼全部援助的中止,以及印尼反美运动的爆发,美国与印尼关系陷入破裂的边缘;另一方面,印尼与中国却在同-时期因相互利益的需要,建立起“准同盟”的亲密关系,中国超越美国成为对印尼政治事务最有影响力的国家。至此,美国试图拉拢印尼,避免其渭入共产主义轨道的政策遭遇全面失败,1950年初期的美-印尼友好关系基本宣告结束。“九·三○事件”后,苏哈托的上台使得美国在对印尼政策陷入绝望之际幸运地迎来了亲美的新政权。苏哈托政府改变了前任的激进外交政策,将国家战略中心转向经济发展,并迅速和平解决了僵持已久的印马争端。此后,再未受到领土问题因素干扰的美-印尼关系重新进入友好时期。 论文结论部分概括并分析了1956至1966年期间,美国对印尼领土问题的政策影响和塑造美-印尼关系的整个过程。文章认为,从外岛叛乱到西伊里安危机,再到印马领土争端,美国对印尼一系列领土问题的反应和政策,一步步削弱着通过大规模援助奠定的双方友好关系的基础,从而将印尼“拱手”让给了共产党集团;也正是美国在这一时期对印尼领土问题的政策,成为塑造1956至1966年期间美国与印尼关系虽非唯一但却最为关键的因素。
[Abstract]:The diplomatic relations between the United States and Indonesia are the important elements and typical epitome of the relations between the United States and the third world countries, especially the non aligned countries during the cold war. After the outbreak of the cold war, the United States tried to pull Indonesia into the Western camp and make it a part of the free world, but it was in a long period of time by Indonesia and communism. Unlike other Asian and African emerging countries, Indonesia is not only an important leader of the non aligned movement, but also the place where the third largest Communist Party of the world, the Communist Party of Indonesia, is more special but has been ignored in the ten years since 1955, and the relationship between the United States and Indonesia has been a series of leaders in Indonesia. The response and policy of the United States to this issue shaped the United States Indonesian relationship with other factors. On the macro context of the development of the relationship between the United States and Indonesia during the period of 1956 to 1966, scholars at home and abroad have basically outlined it. The study of this article is aimed at exploring the reaction and policy of the United States to the territorial issue of Indonesia and the United States. The relationship between the relationship between Indonesia and Indonesia, and the interaction between this factor and the development process of bilateral relations, including the foreign aid of the United States, the internal affairs of Indonesia and the contention with China and the Soviet Union. This article holds that the United States' response to the Indonesian territorial issue and its policy have weakened and eroded the friendly customs established with Indonesia in the early postwar period. It finally led to the collapse of the two sides in 1965.
The documents used in this paper mainly come from the declassified archives of the United States government, the archives of the Ministry of foreign affairs of China, some of the former Soviet files translated into Chinese or English, as well as the Memoirs of the experienced people and other related academic treatises. The articles are discussed in five parts.
The first chapter mainly analyzes the formation of the friendly relations between the United States and Indonesia, as well as the preliminary response and policy of the United States to the territorial issue of Indonesia. After the war, the formation of the policy of Indonesia and the formation of the relationship between the United States and Indonesia is not an isolated incident, but the background of the evolution of the American policy on Southeast Asia and even Asia. It has changed the position of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, in the foreign strategy of the United States. To the end of Truman's administration, the United States and Indonesia have basically formed a friendly relationship based on American aid. This period is also the most difficult period after the founding of the country. In addition to the economic depression, it also faces the danger of territorial division and part of the leadership. The Earth continues to be occupied by Holland. For the territorial issue of Indonesia, the basic principle adopted by the United States is "to meet the basic requirements of nationalists and to minimize the pressure of the colonial forces of the Western allies of the United States to a minimum" because of the involvement of the Western allies in Holland. Accordingly, the United States has taken against the interference of Holland. Indonesia's local rebellion, but chose the policy of "maintaining the status quo" on the West rian dispute.
The second chapter mainly discusses the analysis of the United States' rebellion on the Indonesian island, the process of decision-making, and the impact of the United States supporting the rebel policy on the relationship between the United States and Indonesia. When the Eisenhower administration came to power, the United States faced a significant change in the situation in Indonesia. The most prominent is that the Indonesian Ali government established the non aligned foreign policy and began to develop actively and in the middle of the country. As a response, the United States has made a series of adjustments to the Indonesian policy, but it has always been unable to change the "reality" of Indonesia's approach to communism. As the United States is frustrated, the rebel insurgency with the anti Communist flag provides the opportunity for the United States to quickly achieve its policy goals for Indonesia. Under the impetus of the government and the CIA, the Eisenhower administration made a secret support for the Island Rebellion and split Indonesia's decision. But eventually the foreign Island Rebellion was rapidly defeated, and the United States support for the insurgency led to a trough in the relationship between the United States and Indonesia, which quickly drew closer ties with the central government of Indonesia.
The third chapter focuses on the policy changes and adjustment of the United States' dispute between Indonesia and the west of Holland. The Eisenhower administration has strengthened and expanded its military aid to Indonesia's economic and military assistance to restore the relationship between the United States and Indonesia caused by the insurgency of the island, but the role of this effort is passive neutrality in the territorial dispute between the United States and the West. At the same time, China and the Soviet Union strengthened their relations with the latter through the support of Indonesia's recovery of West ulian. To the stage of Kennedy, the dispute between the West and the west is in the crisis stage. Indonesia - Hollywood was on the brink of the outbreak of the war. It was committed to the Kennedy administration of the third world turbulence with the modernization theory. It turned the normal center of gravity to the domestic economic development, after a tortuous policy adjustment, eventually abandoned the negative neutral policy of the predecessor, realized the peaceful settlement of the dispute through active mediation, helped Indonesia recover its territory in an indirect way, and created conditions for restoring the friendly relations of Indonesia.
The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the attitude and policy of the India Malaysia dispute after the western ilian dispute and the heel of the United States, as well as its influence on the relationship between the United States and Indonesia. After the United States helped Indonesia to recover West ilian, the strategic center of the Indonesian government did not return to domestic construction as the United States wished, but was quickly involved in another territorial dispute with Malaysia. At the same time, the Kennedy administration was forced to suspend partial assistance to show the Indonesian policy of smashing Malaysia in the context of the intensification of the Vietnam War. After the Johnson administration came to power, the United States began to resolve disputes through positive diplomatic mediation. Another outbreak of the Southeast Asian conflict outside Indochina, but the American effort eventually turned into a bubble. After the Indonesian confrontation with Malaysia, the United States and Indonesia fell into a broken edge with the suspension of all American assistance to Indonesia in 1965 and the outbreak of the Indonesian anti American movement; on the other hand, Indonesia and China were in the same way. In the period of mutual interest, a close relationship between the "quasi alliance" was established. China surpassed the United States and became the most influential country in the political affairs of Indonesia. At this point, the US policy of trying to close Indonesia and avoid its entry into the Communist orbit was completely defeated. The American Indonesian friendly relationship in the early 1950 was basically declared to end. "Nine." After the three event, Suharto came to power to make the United States luckily ushered in the new regime of pro american in the despair of the Indonesian policy. The Suharto administration changed the former's radical foreign policy, turned the national strategic center to the economic development, and quickly settled the long-standing Indian dispute. Since then, it has not been subject to the territorial problem. U.S. Indonesian relations, which have been interfered by factors, have entered a friendly period again.
The conclusion of the thesis summarizes and analyzes the policy impact of the United States on the Indonesian territorial issue and the whole process of shaping the relationship between the United States and Indonesia during the period of 1956 to 1966. The article believes that the response and policy of the United States to a series of territorial issues of Indonesia from the insurgency to the West Iraq crisis and the territorial dispute over the Indonesian country have been weakened by a step by step. The foundation of the friendly relations between the two sides has been laid on the basis of the aid of scale aid, thus giving up the "arch" of Indonesia to the Communist Party; it is also the United States' policy on the territorial issue of Indonesia in this period, which is not the only but the most important factor in shaping the relationship between the United States and Indonesia during the period of 1956 to 1966.
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