[Abstract]:The Xiamen Haihutan case was caused by the ambiguity of the English meaning of the Guang Xu's four-year charter of Haihou Beach. The British side ignored the protest of Xiamen officials and people and forcibly incorporated it into the concession, which eventually led to a protracted boycott. The Xiamen Citizen Association makes use of the regional situation and the local and international characteristics of the overseas Chinese of Fujian nationality to change the Haihutan case from a local unsolved case confined to Xiamen to an important event of concern to the Chinese of Fujian nationality at home and abroad. The acquiescence and support of Fujian local authorities provided relatively loose political space for the operation of the organization. Initially, the British side did not put British business economic interests first, based on the traditional thinking of the treaty system, taking a tough stance, ignoring the influence of Chinese nationalism. Swire suffered serious economic losses, especially the outbreak of the Hong Kong Seafarers strike, forcing the British side to proceed from the actual interests of the beach rights concessions, in exchange for the end of the storm. The initial indifference and omission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Haihutan case left the case hanging, and subsequently forced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intervene in the case under popular pressure, but its weak situation in international diplomacy and domestic authority made it play a very limited role. From this, we can see the limitations and defects of Beiyang diplomacy.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院;
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