[Abstract]:This paper mainly analyzes the new Eurasian thought of Alexander Dukin, the founder of Neo-Eurasia. Since the Soviet Union disintegrated in the early 1990s, Eurasia has once again become one of the most fashionable topics in Russian culture and academia. Its politicized trend and results are favored by all parties, including some party leaders. How did this trend of thought come into being? What is the stage of development? What results have been achieved and what are the shortcomings? What was the impact? What are the prospects? The study of these problems will help us to better understand Russia and predict its political and ideological dynamics so that we can develop bilateral relations with it better. Eurasia was born among the Russian diaspora in the 1920s, and Alexander Dukin proposed "New Eurasia" in the 1990s. As the founder of the New Eurasian ideological trend, On the basis of summing up the thoughts of Eurasians, du Jin put forward his own theoretical ideas and actively promoted the politicized movement of Eurasia in the light of the current political and economic situation in Russia and the international situation. On May 30, 2002, The Eurasian Movement was transformed into a Eurasian Party and was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. This paper focuses on the analysis of Durkin's new Eurasian thought, so as to interpret Eurasia from the aspects of culture, history, politics and ideology, and analyze the reason and significance of the birth and revival of this trend of thought in Russia. It shows the answer of Eurasia to the eternal topic of Russia, "east to west", and shows the process of the politicization of new Eurasia. This paper, for the first time, comprehensively analyzes the life and thought of the founder of New Eurasia, du Jin, besides introducing in detail his thought of "geopolitics", which is a hot topic in the current domestic academic circles, and also analyzes his religion and culture. On the basis of analyzing the new Eurasia thought from many angles, this paper summarizes in detail the current domestic and foreign scholars' evaluation of this trend of thought, and analyzes the influence of this trend of thought on Russia at home and abroad. Combined with Russian cultural characteristics, this trend of thought in the future development is predicted. This paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter gives a detailed explanation of the concepts of Eurasia and Neo-Eurasia from the perspectives of geopolitics, culture, Russian thought, etc. This paper analyzes the causes of this thought and its development in various stages, and fully demonstrates the politicization process of Neo-Eurasia. The second chapter introduces the life of Alexander Dukin, the founder of New Eurasia, analyzes his unique views on politics, economy, religion and culture, and shows his important role in the process of the politicization of New Eurasia. The third chapter summarizes the positive and negative comments of scholars at home and abroad on Durkin's new Eurasian thought, analyzes the influence of this thought on Russia at home and abroad, and examines the achievements made by the politicization of New Eurasia and the limitations of this thought. Combined with Russian cultural characteristics, this trend of thought in the future development is predicted.
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