[Abstract]:Since the new century, because the security situation in Africa is still not optimistic, more importantly, the concept of development and security is generally accepted by the European Union. As a result, the EU has adjusted its development aid policy to be linked to security and to become more secure. The EU believes that only a stable security situation and domestic environment can promote economic and social development in Africa. The European Union's aid policy on non-development and security reflects its three characteristics: leading the construction of security in Africa, paying more attention to African autonomy and enhancing the interaction and consistency of development and security policies. Through the African Peace Fund and the Stability instrument, the European Union has carried out a number of aid projects related to development and security in Africa, with some positive results. But there are still limitations in core policymaking dominated by major EU member states, limited contributions to the non-security situation and a lack of sustained and reliable sources of funding for aid.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国际关系学院;
【基金】:中国人民大学2014年度拔尖创新人才培育资助计划成果 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“新世纪欧盟对非洲援助的政治导向问题研究”(项目号:14JJD810018)的阶段性成果 国家留学基金委的资助
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