[Abstract]:Afghanistan's national reconstruction began in 2001, and the first step is political reconstruction. The political reconstruction of Afghanistan includes the construction of government legitimacy, the integration of nation-state, the construction of legal system and the reconstruction of local governance. But after more than a decade, the situation in Afghanistan is still bad. Political reconstruction, as a reconstruction of the country's ability to use resources, is disappointing. In the process of political reconstruction in Afghanistan, many obstacles have been encountered, including the weakening of the legitimacy of the Afghan political tradition, the lack of widespread popular support for the regime, the distorted democratic politics of the warlords and the influence of tribal politics. Taliban interference, lack of authority of leaders, poor quality of civil servants and rampant corruption and so on. The existence of obstacles has undermined the legitimacy of the Afghan government, reduced national cohesion, inefficient government, and the future of the entire country is full of uncertainty.
【作者单位】: 新疆大学政治与公共管理学院;
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