[Abstract]:Electoral aid is a new area of power for the United Nations after the cold war. In order to help recipient countries or regions to build sustainable electoral capacity and electoral systems, the focus of United Nations electoral assistance has undergone a shift from immediate assistance to medium- and long-term assistance focusing on the entire electoral cycle. Medium-and long-term aid mainly starts from two aspects: electoral aid at the national level and electoral assistance at the social level. Electoral assistance at the national level aims to build a range of electoral capacities and electoral systems capable of independently planning, organizing and conducting national and local elections. Electoral assistance at the social level promotes citizens' participation in the entire electoral process in a high quality and orderly manner, and enables them to organize themselves and supervise themselves, thus contributing to the development of their long-term capabilities. Of these, assistance to recipient countries or regional electoral management bodies in their systems and capacity-building is one of the most critical areas of assistance and, in this regard, the focus of the work of the United Nations is on assisting in the design and reform of electoral management bodies, To train the personnel of their institutions. In many countries and regions of the world, the United Nations' medium- and long-term electoral assistance has achieved remarkable results, but it also faces enormous challenges such as how to balance technology and politics, and how to transcend indigenous knowledge.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院国际关系研究所;
【基金】:笔者主持的国家社科基金青年项目“外部援助与撒哈拉以南非洲‘弱国家’建设研究”(项目编号:14CGJ027)的阶段性成果 上海社科院“国际关系”创新团队资金资助
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