[Abstract]:Since Saddam Hussein's regime was overthrown by the United States in 2003, there has been a debate in academia about whether Iran is actually the biggest beneficiary of the Iraq war. Some scholars believe that Iran is trying to turn them into Iranian interest agents in Iraq through its ties with Iraqi Shia and to further control the entire Iraqi political situation through them. Contrary to this view, this paper argues that so far, Iraq's Shia have not acted as Iranian agents, and that the future is unlikely. This paper first reviews the development of the Shia Islamic Movement in Iraq, focusing on the analysis of four important Shiite groups in Iraq, namely, the traditional clerical class represented by Grand Ayatollah Sistani, the Islamic call Party. The Supreme Council of the Islamic Republic of Iraq and the Sadr movement. The article points out that these Iraqi Shia groups have many differences and differences with Iran in terms of identity, political objectives and interests, so they do not have the subjective desire to be Iranian interest agents. Then, this paper analyzes the pressure faced by Iraqi Shia from Sunni, American and other Sunni-dominated Arab countries. Because these forces are worried that Iran will expand its influence in Iraq, they are forcing Iraqi Shia groups to reduce their ties with Iran in many ways. In addition, this paper analyzes from the perspective of Iran and concludes that the geopolitical situation in Iran after the war has actually deteriorated rather than improved. So Iran is adopting a defensive regional strategy. Iran is very pragmatic in its relations with Iraq, and it has no unrealistic illusions of trying to turn Iraq's Shiites into its proxy. Iran's goal in Iraq is to ensure that Iraq has a Shia-led, Iranian-friendly government that could serve as a buffer against the United States. In the conclusion part, this paper will further point out that the essential characteristic of the post-war relations between Iraq and Iran is the huge asymmetry, which is derived from the serious imbalance of the two countries' strength and the inconsistency of their security preferences. But as this asymmetry diminishes in the future, Iran's influence over Iraq will decline.
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