[Abstract]:Comrade Deng Xiaoping is not only a great statesman, but also a great diplomatic strategist. As an important member of the party's first-generation collective leadership and the core of the second-generation collective leadership, he is based on scientific judgment of the theme of the times and an accurate grasp of the international situation. Absorbing and drawing lessons from China's diplomatic work with the United States since the founding of the people's Republic of China, putting forward the principles, and policies of diplomacy to the United States in the new period, and creating a new phase of diplomatic work in the new period. To form a unique Deng Xiaoping to the United States diplomatic thought. From the perspective of international politics, diplomacy, history of the Communist Party of China and other scientific perspectives, the article makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thinking in the United States. The first part mainly discusses Deng Xiaoping's objective basis and ideological context for the formation and development of American diplomatic thought from the historical point of view. The Marxist theory of understanding and dealing with international issues is the theoretical origin of Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts on the United States, and the experience and lessons of our Party on American diplomatic work since the founding of the people's Republic of China are the historical basis for the formation of Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts on the United States. The change of domestic strategic center of gravity and the inevitable requirement of promoting reform and opening up are the realistic basis for Deng Xiaoping's formation of American diplomatic thought, and the change of the theme of development of the times and the profound change of international pattern are the international background of the formation of Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thought to the United States. Deng Xiaoping experienced three stages in the formation and development of American diplomatic thought: exploration and development. The second part mainly combs the main contents of Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts on the United States, mainly including the following aspects: adhering to the principle of "national interests first" to handle Sino-US relations; adopting both joint and struggle. We should adopt a foreign policy of non-alignment and non-playing cards with the United States; handle conflicts in a peaceful manner and not engage in confrontation; transcend differences in social systems and ideologies; and seek convergence points of economic interests between the two countries. The third part analyzes Deng Xiaoping's characteristics and practical significance to American diplomatic thought. The practicability of value orientation, the flexibility of policy choice and the innovation of strategic thinking are the basic characteristics of Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thought to the United States, which is undoubtedly of great practical significance to the development of Sino-American relations in the new period and the construction of a harmonious world.
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