[Abstract]:Due to the huge differences in history, culture, ideology, and status in the contemporary international order, there are inherent contradictions between China and France, and the exchanges between the two countries in various fields have been further strengthened in the process of globalization. There must be new contradictions and conflicts. This paper is not a brief review of the history of Sino-French relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, but a deep analysis of the Sino-French relations since the current French President Nicolas Sarkozy came to power in the light of the contemporary international situation. Relations between the two countries during this period were brilliant and uneventful. Since Sarkozy came to power, he has continued and revised France's consistent foreign policy, such as giving full play to France's central role as a leader in the European Union on the issue of France's status in Europe, and in dealing with the issue of cooperation with the United States. Strengthening cooperation with the United States in various fields and highlighting the position of the United States in French foreign policy. On the issue of Sino-French relations, the Sarkozy administration's series of unfriendly measures and its capricious nature have made Sino-French relations experience a honeymoon. Contradictions intensified, mediation eased and other diplomatic dramas. Therefore, through the study of Sino-French relations during this period, we can basically grasp the context of Sino-French relations, understand the key factors that affect the development of Sino-French relations, and identify the disharmonious notes in Sino-French relations. The future development of Sino-French relations is prospected.
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