发布时间:2018-11-10 08:23
【摘要】:随着中国综合国力的增强和国际地位的提升,国际社会开始将关注的目光聚焦于东方,并对中国的迅速崛起产生疑虑:中国将会选择一条什么样的发展道路?不断强大的中国将如何对待现有的国际秩序?中国的发展将对世界和平产生什么样的影响?面对国际社会的担忧与质疑,中国正式提出和平发展战略,以实际行动向世界证明:中国的发展过程是一个新兴大国追求和平与发展的过程,也是一个让世界重新认识和接受中国的过程。 进入21世纪,国际形势正在发生深刻而又复杂的变化,中国和平发展所面临的不确定因素增多,外部压力加大。本文主要从经济、政治和安全三个维度分析当前中国和平发展战略所遇到的外部挑战:经济上,世界经济发展进入“深度调整期”,主要发达经济体复苏乏力、新兴经济体增速放缓、国际金融市场持续动荡、贸易保护主义抬头等一系列消极因素导致中国面临经济下行的风险。政治上,西方国家推行的“新干涉主义”政策不仅破坏和平的国际环境,也破坏和谐稳定的国内政治环境,进一步加大中国和平发展的阻力。安全上,中国既面临传统安全的挑战,又面临非传统安全的威胁,两者相互影响、相互转化,导致国家安全形势日趋复杂化。 纵观人类社会发展史,挑战与机遇从来就是一对孪生兄弟,共生共伴。因此,对于外部挑战需要辩证分析,积极应对。后冷战时期,世界局势呈现出国际力量对比“趋向均衡”、国际机制改革“趋向深入”、国际社会合作共赢的意愿“趋向上升”的新趋向,国际秩序朝着更加公正、合理的方向发展,从而为中国和平发展提供了重大战略机遇期。本文研究的目的在于,通过全面、准确地认识和把握当前中国和平所面临的一系列重大外部挑战,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,构建一套具有科学性、前瞻性和时效性的战略体系,提升中国应对和处置外部挑战的能力,努力将外部挑战转化为推动中国发展、世界繁荣的重大机遇和动力,使中国真正成长为一个具有全球影响力的“负责任大国”。对此,本文提出了实现和平发展战略的具体路径:一是继续深化和推进互利共赢的开放战略,在全面参与经济全球的进程中,在促进与国际社会的良性互动中,实现世界共同发展、普遍繁荣。二是积极推动以联合国为中心的国际组织改革,支持扩大发展中国家在国际事务中的代表性和发言权,努力实现国际关系民主化,共同构建国际政治新秩序。三是以新安全观为指导,妥善解决影响中国和平发展的大国关系、周边关系、台湾问题以及非传统安全等重大问题,为维护国家安全、地区安全和世界和平作出重大贡献。 总之,和平发展是中国顺应时代发展潮流作出的正确战略抉择,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。对中国来讲,和平发展战略是实现“中国梦”的必由之路。对世界来讲,和平发展战略是构建“和谐世界”的内在要求。
[Abstract]:With the enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength and the improvement of its international status, the international community has begun to focus its attention on the East and have doubts about the rapid rise of China: what kind of development path will China choose? How will the ever-strong China treat the existing international order? What's the impact of China's development on world peace? In the face of the concerns and challenges of the international community, China has formally put forward the strategy of peaceful development, and has demonstrated to the world that China's development process is a process of the pursuit of peace and development by an emerging big country and a process for the world to re-recognize and accept China. In the 21st century, the international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, and the uncertainty of the development of China's peace is increasing, and the external pressure This paper mainly analyses the external challenges of the current China's peace development strategy from three dimensions: economic, political and security: the economic development, the economic development of the world into the depth adjustment period, the weak recovery of the major developed economies, the slow growth of the emerging economies and the holding of the international financial market A series of negative factors, such as the continued turmoil, the rise of trade protectionism, have led to the economic downturn in China Political and western countries' 鈥渘eo-interventionism鈥,
[Abstract]:With the enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength and the improvement of its international status, the international community has begun to focus its attention on the East and have doubts about the rapid rise of China: what kind of development path will China choose? How will the ever-strong China treat the existing international order? What's the impact of China's development on world peace? In the face of the concerns and challenges of the international community, China has formally put forward the strategy of peaceful development, and has demonstrated to the world that China's development process is a process of the pursuit of peace and development by an emerging big country and a process for the world to re-recognize and accept China. In the 21st century, the international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, and the uncertainty of the development of China's peace is increasing, and the external pressure This paper mainly analyses the external challenges of the current China's peace development strategy from three dimensions: economic, political and security: the economic development, the economic development of the world into the depth adjustment period, the weak recovery of the major developed economies, the slow growth of the emerging economies and the holding of the international financial market A series of negative factors, such as the continued turmoil, the rise of trade protectionism, have led to the economic downturn in China Political and western countries' 鈥渘eo-interventionism鈥,