[Abstract]:Since the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972, China and African countries have carried out long-term and fruitful cooperation in environmental protection at many international conferences, which has promoted the development of international environmental diplomacy and safeguarded the interests of developing countries. After entering the 21st century, the fruitful results of China-Africa environmental protection cooperation under the framework of the "China-Africa Cooperation Forum" have promoted the development of environmental protection cooperation at a deeper level, in a wide range and at a high level, and have realized the environment and politics between China and Africa. Mutual promotion of economy and society China-Africa environmental protection cooperation has entered a new stage, its urgency is also increasingly prominent. Sino-African environmental protection cooperation is of great significance and has a positive impact on the overall development of Sino-African relations in the new era. In the face of opportunities and challenges, the prospects are broad; China should view and attach importance to China-Africa environmental protection cooperation from the perspective of national strategy, which is a major practice of China's concept of a harmonious world and can provide strong support for China's peaceful rise in the future. China-Africa environmental protection cooperation is based on equality and mutual benefit, with no political conditions attached, diplomatic transformation in traditional friendship, safeguarding the interests of the vast number of developing countries, and promoting the development of international fairness and justice. Developing multilateral environmental protection cooperation with mechanism building and focusing on strengthening the environmental protection capacity of African countries. China seeks common development through multilateral cooperation, pays attention to infiltrating the concept of environmental protection into all aspects of China-Africa cooperation, and pays attention to monitoring and implementing the results of cooperation. China-Africa environmental protection cooperation on resources and energy cooperation, global climate issues, environmental protection problems of Chinese enterprises and Sino-African environmental protection cooperation system construction, there are problems and differences to be solved. This puts forward requirements for China's own development and new challenges to China's environmental diplomacy.
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