[Abstract]:India conducted a historic and far-reaching underground nuclear explosion test on May 18, 1974. American intelligence agencies have been paying attention to the test since India began its nuclear program, and have predicted it many times. But before India's nuclear explosion, U.S. intelligence agencies failed to alert, failed intelligence investigations and raised questions about India's development of nuclear weapons and U.S. intelligence assessments. As can be seen from the relevant archival documents, the official concern of the United States for the development of nuclear energy in India began in 1950, and the issue of whether India will develop nuclear weapons has been discussed many times. These information provide sufficient historical data for the subject of this paper. In fact, American intelligence on India's development of nuclear weapons has never stopped, only because of a variety of practical and historical reasons leading to the final error of intelligence. Based on the discussion of other documents, this paper systematically discusses the development trend of nuclear energy in India from 1950 to 1974, and the basic motive, nuclear potential, contained in this trend. Nuclear policy and weapons program, first nuclear explosion and other related issues. In addition, while analyzing the above problems, the paper analyzes and summarizes the intelligence errors of the United States on India's development of nuclear weapons. Therefore, the main content of this paper is divided into three parts: first, the beginning of India's development of nuclear weapons and the concern of the United States; second, India's efforts to develop nuclear weapons; third, the failure of American intelligence evaluation. In general, the nuclear explosion in India on May 18, 1974 has its own characteristics and historical significance, so it is very important to discuss this issue in conjunction with the relevant information. The development of everything must have its profound historical roots, whether from the point of view of national interests or out of consideration of the overall situation of the world, we should carefully deal with the historical events that have brought us thinking.
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