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发布时间:2019-02-21 15:31
【摘要】:自20世纪90年代初的第一次朝核危机爆发开始,朝核问题已经困扰朝鲜半岛乃至东北亚地区长达20余年。在这期间,,朝核问题又先后经历了2002年、2009年和2013年的多次升级,也已经由当初朝美之间的博弈,发展成为东北亚地区安全问题的核心。从最初朝美的双边接触到后来多边框架下的四方会谈、三方会谈和六方会谈,它使得目前世界上几个最具影响力的国家都卷入其中,从而使其不仅成为了整个东北亚地区安全问题的核心,更演变为国际政治的“焦点”,晋升为全球安全头号难题。所以鉴于朝核问题对中国国家利益的重要意义和中美两国围绕朝核危机所做出的外交决策对两国关系的重大影响,学者对中美两国在朝鲜核问题上的互动过程及政策对比进行系统地、细致地比较研究是非常必要的。 文章主要以朝核危机为背景,运用比较分析、文献分析、历史分析等方法对中美两国在历次朝核危机中的外交政策经行了详细比较。本文首先在对历次朝核危机起源及影响进行梳理的基础之上深层次的探究其历史根源,重点对酝酿升级中的新一轮朝核危机进行了系统分析,并论述了朝核危机对中美两国的影响。而后总结了中美两国在历次朝核危机中的外交决策及采取此政策的影响因素。最后结合了前几部分内容,通过对比分析得出中美两国在对待朝核问题上的政策分歧性与相通性,这是受国家利益、地缘政治、安全战略、历史原因等多重因素所影响的。此部分也是本文的重点与精髓之处。 由此,文章结尾处对未来中美两国在朝核问题上政策进行了展望。并推断在未来朝核问题的解决上,中美两国依然是密切互动关系。这既是由两国的国家利益决定的,也是由朝核问题的性质决定的。
[Abstract]:Since the first North Korean nuclear crisis broke out in the early 1990s, the Korean nuclear issue has plagued the Korean Peninsula and even Northeast Asia for more than 20 years. During this period, the North Korean nuclear issue has experienced several upgrades in 2002, 2009 and 2013, and has also developed from the game between North Korea and the United States into the core of security issues in Northeast Asia. From the initial bilateral contacts between the DPRK and the United States to the quadripartite talks, the tripartite talks and the six-party talks under the multilateral framework, it has now involved several of the most influential countries in the world. As a result, it not only becomes the core of the security problems in Northeast Asia, but also becomes the focus of international politics and becomes the top problem of global security. Therefore, in view of the importance of the DPRK nuclear issue to the national interests of China and the significant impact of the diplomatic decisions made by China and the United States on the relations between the two countries over the North Korean nuclear crisis, It is necessary for scholars to make a systematic and detailed comparative study on the interaction process and policy comparison between China and the United States on the Korean nuclear issue. Based on the Korean nuclear crisis, this paper makes a detailed comparison of the foreign policy of China and the United States in the past North Korean nuclear crisis by means of comparative analysis, literature analysis and historical analysis. In this paper, on the basis of combing the origin and influence of the previous North Korean nuclear crisis, the historical origin of the crisis is deeply explored, with the emphasis on the systematic analysis of the new round of North Korean nuclear crisis, which is in the process of brewing and upgrading. The impact of the North Korean nuclear crisis on China and the United States is also discussed. Then it summarizes the diplomatic decisions of China and the United States in the past North Korean nuclear crisis and the influencing factors of adopting this policy. Finally, combining the contents of the previous parts, the author draws a conclusion that the policy differences and similarities between China and the United States in dealing with the North Korean nuclear issue are influenced by many factors, such as national interests, geopolitics, security strategies, historical reasons, and so on. This part is also the focus and essence of this article. At the end of the article, the future policy of China and the United States on the North Korean nuclear issue is prospected. China and the United States continue to interact closely on the future resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue. This is determined both by the national interests of the two countries and by the nature of the North Korean nuclear issue.


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