[Abstract]:With the rapid and strong rise of China since the 21st century, Japan, the United States, Australia, India and India are close, under the banner of values and guided by outdated Cold War thinking, to construct and try to build "quasi-alliance" in an attempt to contain China. Through military deterrence, economic obstruction, diplomatic intervention, public opinion leading, ideological attacks, Japan, America, Australia, India and other means, Japan, the United States, Australia and India carry out soft and hard checks and balances against China. In the past ten years since the strategic cooperation framework was put forward in 2006, the strategic cooperation between Japan, the United States, Australia and India has continued to advance. Although the strategic dialogue among the four parties has stagnated, bilateral and trilateral cooperation has shown a trend of strengthening and gradually forming a "quasi-alliance union". Obviously, there is a possibility of an alliance between Japan, the United States, Australia and India, but the realization of the "Japan-US-Australia-India Democratic Alliance" is not easy without the resumption of the quadripartite strategic dialogue. Although containment of China is the intersection of the strategic interests of Japan, the United States, Australia and India, the pursuit of maximization of national interests is the end point of the pursuit of national interests. At present, in the strategic cooperation and game of containment between Japan, America, Australia and India, the four countries have not found a balance point to pursue the maximization of their own interests. Therefore, China should seize the opportunity actively, adopt different strategies, disintegrate the strategic cooperation among the four countries, break through the dilemma of rising, and create a good surrounding environment.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院;
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